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All my public posts about Zilla so far:  
Zilla is my ventrue for Vampire: Dark Ages. Loyal and brave, but a bit of a deviant at the same time... he loves to sin.    The more important thing: he looks great in armor.  He had no regard for anything, and just wanted to have a good time, until he became face to face with the black death. With all the responsibility of all those lives in his hands, he actually proved to be a good leader.  At the same time, he also started to uncovered demonic secrets. His city was infested with vampires. I still don't know all the details of the embrace, but I do know that he'll be a ventrue, cause I already know who'll turn him.
Our last session was bloody. After Yorick and Zila's plan to kill all the vampires in fire and ruins, Zila got stuck there with them. Now Yorick thinks Zila is dead, buried in the ashes of the cathedral. The Ventrue Prince Yosef, who was also trapped and hurt, turned Zila. Yosef was impressed with the human's determination. Meanwhile, another player reached out to Yorick in a tavern and his is drinking himself to death out of grief, hands bleeding, trying to find Zila's body among the ruins. Oh men, my heart is hurting. The thing is the vampires hurt them both, but while Zila was kind thrill by the whole immortality deal, Yorick was traumatized and hated the vampires so much. I don't know how is gonna be their reunion. Will Yorick hate Zila? My storyteller is pure evil, so anything can happen.
Let me tell you a little about how they met. I mentioned that Zilla was just a spoiled rich young man. He used to persue the love of woman until Yorick arrived with the intention of asking his sister's hand in marriage. He came from a lower house and didn't stand a chance, but that's not the point. Yorick organized a little meeting by a spring, and Zilla was there having fun with the ladies when Yorick approach him bringing a cluster of grapes. He offered them to Zilla insinuating himself between Zilla and the woman. Since then, it has been always like that. There was always someone else between them. But then Zilla was in Viena ready to marry the Princess when Yorick showed up telling him he didn't want his sister, but Zilla himself. They also went to a little war against vampires, but that's for another time. And if you're wondering about Kathrin, the bride, it wasn't uncommon for women to have women lovers as well as for men to have male lovers.



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