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En esta sesión quisimos hacer las cosas un poco diferentes y pusimos un fondo, que es algo que casi nunca hago. Nos pasó algo muy cagado mientras hacíamos las fotos. El plan era hacer fotos súper discretas y estábamos haciendo tomas muy cerradas, de su cara, pero cuando se estaba cambiando la camisa larga y andaba en chones, vi una figura de reojo entrando al cuarto… Volteo y era su mamá “MAR! ¡¿QUÉ HACES!?” Justo estábamos haciendo videito de backstage, y Mar y yo así de “Hola, no se preocupe no se ve nada”. Seguimos la sesión en mood “play it cool, acá no pasó nada”. Ya después de un rato creo que su mamá se relajó un poco jajajaja, estuvo muy cagado.


In this session we wanted to do things a little differently and we put a background, which is something I hardly ever do. Something really funny happened while we were taking the photos. The plan was to take very discreet photos and we were taking very close shots of her face, but when she was changing the long shirt and was in her underwear, I saw someone entering the room… I turned around and it was her mother “MAR! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" We were just making a backstage video, and Mar and I were like "Hi, don't worry, you can't really see anything." We continued the session in the mood "play it cool, nothing happened here." After a while I think her mother relaxed a little hahaha, it was so funny.



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