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Soooo.... As you might have noticed, I have not released the next step of FoE Heroes Chapter 15. The reason for that is quite simple.... I was working on a deep cleaning job on that chapter and simply got burned out hard as I was going through it in spectral view, looking for all of those pesky Mouth noises. After 1 hour I had barely covered 15 minutes of the almost 2h length of this chapter and was just braindead because of the monotony.

I thought to myself "I can't be the only one who has this problem! There MUST be a solution to remove all of this automatically!"

And I did indeed find a "De-Clicker" plugin for Audacity. (Though first I tried the built in one and that reduced the quality of the audio quite badly, so it was out of the question)

Beforehand, I however also tried Adobe Auditions built in De-Clicker that I found out through a few google searches. Afterwards, the recording sounded like a 70's audio tape.... So no dice...

So yesterday I finally found that Audacity Plugin. The only problem was, that even on my High End Gaming PC with 32GB of RAM, the plugin crashed with longer recordings. I also had to fiddle a bit with the settings because the audio would, otherwise, sound quite wobbly.

That took most of my day yesterday. Trial and error during which I had my PC running, De-Clicking small parts of the chapter, trying to make the process more stable and decrease the loss of quality (Now don't get me wrong... Even a 30 second section for tests sometimes took up to an HOUR to De-Click. I could likely do it quicker manually, but doing it this way frees me up to do other stuff, like record more or edit in a different instance.)

I had run into a roadblock, and so I created a VM, just because I wanted to see how well a Linux based machine would be able to handle the Plugin. THAT finally fixed the crashing issue but, as you can see on the picture I linked, it takes ages. To put this into perspective: I ran the story I released earlier, Arlathea, through this plugin and it took 1 hour to finish.

In the meantime, however, I was able to get started on cleaning chapter 16 of FoE. I'm not far in yet, but it's a start.

So, overall, it makes my life easier, even if it takes a while. Just letting you know, because I am sure some of you are already waiting for it.





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