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As the title already states I want to let you know what's going on in my life right now. So, let's get into it:

I have now taken my written exams to become a certified nurse. The practical exam is also over. All that is left, is the oral exam. The stress is recently really getting to me, and there is rarely a night that I manage to sleep through. Even thinking straight is, at times, a really hard task if you only get 3 hours of sleep a night. 

It ended up with me being sick for a week with Bronchitis, one step from pneumonia, just after my practical exam. We're taliking 39 degrees fever at points with me doing nothing but lay in bed.

I still have not completely recovered, due to school starting back up and me not having the time to actually take a few weeks off to completely recover. 

Due to that, recording has been a serious problem. Combine that with the revision I have to do to pass my exams, and you have me having maybe an hour or two a day for myself right now. 

I don't want to excuse anything or that I have not posted in a while. I just want to, as I always have, keep you in the loop on why things are happening or updates are scarce.

The good news is, that I recently was given a job offer for when my training is done that is much closer to my home and will have less stress for me. It's not 100% employment, but a 65% job, giving me a bit more time to create stuff for you guys and to relax at times. 

Near christmas last year, I was ready to throw the towel at work. Imagine you being the only nurse on duty for about 60 patients because all others who were scheduled for the day had called in sick, and then the patients getting angry with you cause you can't do stuff cause you have 59 other ppl to take care of too. Yeah. I was close to just walking out of there. Was crying in the hallway openly cause I could not handle it anymore. 

My employer didn't even take my practical exams into account when writing up Januarys Timetable, resulting in ME having to switch around shifts with my coworkers and call ppl out of their free time, so that I could actually take my practical exam on the 28th of January. 

If you are interested, it went well, even though my secondary head of nursing said she'd have let me fail because of something I did that you usually are not supposed to do with a patient. What I did though, in the situation given, was completely acceptable. Even my teachers said so.

My written exams went OK. Out of the three exams, I am sure I have passed 2. The third, I am not too sure that it will be a good grade, but I expect an at least passing grade. The topic of social science and psychology has never really been my thing. It's more of my sisters thing, who actually has a master in that field.

On the 26th to the 28th of march, my oral exams are coming up. All I will have to focus on right now, is getting the subjects for that into my head. 

Regardless, expect some updates on Homelands today, since MBNinja has just gotten back to me as I am writing this, that he has finished part of what he was to edit. 

I apologize for this lengthy post, but a lot of this just needed to be said and that you have a right not know.




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