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OK, so the universe really seems to not like me recently. I am currently trying to lose some weight. To do that, I started taking walks in the forest. I must admit that those are nice and usually do me a world of good. 

Now, I have been bitten by 2 ticks in the span of 48 hours, one of the bites swelling up quite spectectualary and itching like hell. The swelling has gone down quite a bit by now, but it looks like I've contracted something from that bite. 

I have already seen my doctor, who started antibiotics therapy, but I feel like shit. Believe it or not, but I feel like puking ever since getting up. Same thing yesterday. And still I pulled through my shift yesterday. It was hell. And yet I am going back to work today. If it does NOT get better by tomorrow, when my doctor wants to see me again, I will call in sick. 

Currently I am uploading the edited version of Chapter 5 Part 3 P1. Just those about 10 minutes took me 1 1/2 hours to edit cause I could not keep looking at the screen without feeling sick.

So, just keeping you posted. So... why does that shit happen all at once? QQ


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