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- Sexlab Framework

- Sexlab Aroused(Baka Edited)

- SkyUI



- UIExtensions



Change Log(1.3V)

- Added Chaurus Assault struggle motion

- Added Chaurus Reaper Assault struggle motion

- Added Chaurus Hunter Assault struggle motion

- Added Dwarven Spider Assault struggle motion

- Added Bear Assault struggle motion

- Added Spider Small Assault struggle motion

- Added Gargoyle Assault struggle motion

- Added Werewolf Assault struggle motion

- Added Trauma Lie motions(DAR)

- Bug fix: Creatures motions don't end when you succeed to escape.

변경 사항(1.3V)

- 챠우루스 몸부림 모션 추가

- 챠우루스리퍼 몸부림 모션 추가

- 챠우루스헌터 몸부림 모션 추가

- 드워븐스파이더 몸부림 모션 추가

- 곰 몸부림 모션 추가

- 스파이더스몰 몸부림 모션 추가

- 가고일 몸부림 모션 추가

- 웨어울프 몸부림 모션 추가

- Trauma Lie 모션 추가(DAR)

- 버그 수정: 몸부림 탈출 성공 이후 크리쳐 모션이 끝나지 않던 부분 수정

Completed  Motions List(현재까지 완료된 크리쳐 목록)

- Skeever  - Canine  - Riekling  - Draugr  - Falmer  - Giant

- Sabrecat  - Troll  - Bear  - Chaurus  - ChaurusReaper  - ChaurusHunter

- DwarvenSpider  - Gargoyle  - SpiderSmall  - Werewolf


jeefrey jonas

can u fix the nemesis issue with sl defeat, you cant chokehold people to submission in nemesis

jeefrey jonas

or explain how to get it working ?


스크립트 파일은 디핏 스크립트폴더에 덮어씌우면 되는건가요?


FYI on the LE version, I'm getting a ton of x64 .hkx file errors from Nemesis. The warning says, "WARNING(1027): 64bit hkx file detected. This file is not supported by current skyrim's architecture." I will see if I can get it to run anyways.....FNIS didn't seem to care when I ran it. The files with the errors are:


Skyrim\data\meshes\actors\character\animations\DynamicAnimationReplacer\_CustomConditions\8710\Defeat\BaboDefeatKnockOut01Loop.hkx Skyrim\data\meshes\actors\character\animations\DynamicAnimationReplacer\_CustomConditions\8710\Defeat\BaboDefeatKnockOut01Start.hkx Skyrim\data\meshes\actors\character\animations\DynamicAnimationReplacer\_CustomConditions\8711\Defeat\BaboDefeatKnockOut01Loop.hkx Skyrim\data\meshes\actors\character\animations\DynamicAnimationReplacer\_CustomConditions\8711\Defeat\BaboDefeatKnockOut01Start.hkx Skyrim\data\meshes\actors\dlc02\riekling\animations\Defeat\RieklingStruggle_A2_Start.hkx Skyrim\data\meshes\actors\dlc02\riekling\animations\Defeat\RieklingStruggle_A2_Stop.hkx Skyrim\data\meshes\actors\dwarvenspider\animations\Defeat\DwarvenSpiderStruggle_A2_Start.hkx Skyrim\data\meshes\actors\dwarvenspider\animations\Defeat\DwarvenSpiderStruggle_A2_Stop.hkx


Compatibility for Dangerous nights 2 would be nice someday whenever you get some time. It seems when DN2 triggers the pursuer just runs off half the time Also, you rock


i have tested with Ori Defeat + Baka edition . the follower and NPC doesnt get knockdown at all. only player get knockdown 1st the follower will only be knock down 1 by 1. i have test just Ori Defeat it work as usual. also with the 1.02v baka addon work perfect fine. wasted my half day just to make it run but it dont !! pls help fix it.


Do I still need death alternative for this?


NPC Knockdown glitch is well known even in the original one. I am planning to fix it after the animation project is done. But if Ori's version worked fine, I'll refer to it. Can you give me the link to it? I can't seem to find it.

Joe Bloe

Does it work with sexlab defeat or is this an alternative


My question(s) is: Stability.. Is it stable, somewhat stable or Bethesda stable??


It looks and works as sl-defeat ,but seems more stable ,and work well on it's own..


Is it possible to disable the camera lock during knockdown?? Can't turn the camera at all and therefor all anims during knockdown is also 1 angle..


I tried possible solutions but none of it worked so far... Well, let me look into it mroe.


Werewolf motion glitch for SE users has been fixed


I suspect it may be Sexlab ,other mods lock the zoom in animations... Think maybe Sexlab is making some issues...it is a bit old now :) And if someone can tell me how to get rid of the camera shake in the end of the anims i would be happy (turning it off in settings turns off the sound too..)


Is there a reset quest button or something for updating 1.2 to 1.3?