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SE version will be uploaded soon.


다이얼로그는 언제쯤 SE화될까요....ㅠ


I like little brats. Would I give you some ideas, or you have own thoughts of that? 개인적으로 오네쇼타(아이가 우위) 좋아해서 관련된 시츄가 있으면 좋겠다 싶었는데, 추후에 추가하신다니 기쁩니다. 몇가지 상황에 대한 아이디어를 드려도 될까요?


Please update this I'd like to see house visiting mechanism and gifting it feels so incomplete without these.


Please hold on tight. I got so much I need to attend to as right now. I'll handle them in the next version though.

Phoenix Flame

Can you remove the debug message on loading save ?

Phoenix Flame

Just a bug report : sometimes when NPC approach player but cannot start dialogue (in SL animation or something), that NPC will keep following player try to start the conversation, but the SLAP dialogue do not appear again so NPC will follow player forever.


I'll disable debug messages. Also, if A.I fails to make NPC talk to Player in a certain amount of time, system will just stop the scene and A.I will stop as well.