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Sexlab Horrible Harrassment Expansion V2.9 SE


Original Description:
This mod makes random NPC stop the player when walking by. After a  short dialouge the NPC overwhelms the player with a spell and rapes her.

The mod was written with a female player character in mind.

The attacks are triggered via the comment system (like when NPC  commenting on the player being naked). You can set the chance for a  comment in the MCM. They say a short "Hey!" or "Whoa!" and then start a  dialouge. There are diffrent lines depending on the kind of NPC, but  there is only one answer for the player and it always ends with being  raped.

To explain why the player could just clear a huge dungeon, but then is  subdued in the streets - it's magic! The Npc uses a paralyze spell (the  rape riggers even if it doesn't hit).

During the animation the NPC might want more. There is a chance that  an animation stage is repeated a 2nd time. This can happen up the three  times during one animation. The probabilities of the second and third  repetition are 2/3 and 1/3 of the original chance respectively. The  chance can be set in the MCM.

Afterwards there is a one-hour time-out in which no new comments  occur. If you hit your aggressor during this time he'll cast the spell  again and take you a second time. After this the one-hour period  restarts (you could theoretically sustain this forever if you hit him  again and again).

Then there is the "Dangerous Condition" option in the MCM. This simply  bypasses the original comment chance and triggers a comment nearly  every time. Its meant for when naked, wearing slave-tats or other stuff  that makes abuse more likely. There is still the one-hour time-out with  no new comments (I actually wanted to disable that with this option, but  it didn't work out).  

Version II Description : 

The original mod 'Horrible Harassment by Guffel' was one of the must-have mod in my Skyrim life. As you already know Skyrim's AI is terribly made so that you cannot be felt like you're a part of it. It's time to stop that fake immersion!! Guffel had a point! A very straight point that it is ridiculous there are no thugs blocking PC to have some fun of her. You can meet thousands of dreadful, criminal bandits out there but in a town? Ha! isn't it so lame and peaceful? It looks like this didn't make any sense to Guffel, neither did it to me.

So I am here to make Skyrim more dangerous!

So what does it do? What is the difference from the previous one? 

Well... I loved Guffel's work. I really did. But I gotta say there  were some people who were not that fond of get raped by.. some  mysterious paralyze spell thinges... Just a farmer, who has been making up their livings, got a damn fool  prophecy to rape her and suddenly enlightened enough to learn a magical  power to neutralize her, make things easy to do the task. Boom!! Not any more!!

You are the heroine!! You're powerful enough to escape that situation without killing the innocent? suspect. So this is it!

Main features 

- When a raper tries to take advantage of PC, he is not gonna use  spell anymore but try to hug PC and strip her, which is enough to  immerse you into Real SKyrim!

- Animations added for improving immersion. I made them by myself. I hope you like them.

- PC can resist and escape. Of course you can decide to 'do nothing'  or 'resist', it's your call. You can adjust escape chance on MCM at any  time. PC has to be autonomous and make their own fate.

- You must designate your clothes as skimpy armors on 'Sexlab Aroused'  otherwise except for Orcs, potential criminals will not do their  duties. If you don't like registering your clothes, then you can turn  off this function on MCM.

- After escaping, bad people will scream and run away from  you.(Actually I didn't mean to make it happen but.. I think I like it.)

- You have to bump into potential criminals first. It's a huge  difference in interacting to NPCs but I thought it made more sense to  me.(It means if you don't want to get raped you'd better walk and get  out of their way.)

- Women can become criminals now. You can set this option on MCM.

Future Ideas. 

- IDK... I just want this mod as simple as it meant to be.


- SexLab Framework SE

- Sexlab Aroused 28b Modified Version by Bakafactory SE Versopm [I just added some of keywords which indicate what you wear like thongs or bikini armor? I leave my PDF file for furthur explanation. Of course, you can just use normal one, not this.]


- Silent Voice - Fus-Roh-Du(h) SE Version


Recommended mods 

- Any mods that will add a bunch of misc npcs. [ex) Populated NPC mod series] Since vanilla npcs have their own lines and there will be always  possibilities other mods edit their npc data, which block this mod's  lines.

How to install 

Is this necessary?

Just drop the files into your data folder.

Mod Compatibility 

- Not that I know of... Yes, it's compatible with almost any mods you have. But about DD mods... I am not sure...

For Modders Note 

you can activate the harrasment trigger immediately by using this function.

Function SLHHActivate(Actor pTarget, Actor pTargetFriend = None);  Basically you don't need pTargetFriend. pTarget will become a criminal,  who will try to rape you.
    Keyword SLHHScriptEventKeyword = Game.GetFormFromFile(0x0000C510, "SexLabHorribleHarassment.esp") as Keyword
    SLHHScriptEventKeyword.SendStoryEvent(None, pTarget, pTargetFriend)

Personal Note

SE Version has finally arrived! But please do not think this will work just as your LE did. Because I haven't tested it. I just converted it. But theoretically it will work.



What's been changed in this latest version?


The modifed Sexlab Aroused hasn't been converted to SSE. ESM is still in form 43 and the animations haven't been optimized.


I added a comment here but it vanished? Anyhow, please ignore my comment posted if you find it.


I have no idea why it just disappeard. Anyway I just need to know if this Flower Girls from Aroused Redux plugin replaces the original one as well?