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December everyone. Of course it's cold outside. So I am trying to stick with my cozy little place. A girlfriend? What are you joking? You have yours! The figment of your imaginery girlfriend standing right beside you! And I, just as you guys, sit on my chair working all day long, 24hours wtih my dear imaginery girlfriend. I must be crazy or something. What am I saying? I think I know the reason. In this past a couple of weeks I spent my whole time on modding including dealing with a pile of e-mails and questions, which made me too tired to keep on.

Nonetheless I had to push on and still have to because I have no choice. I want to differentiate my modding plans starting with ABC release. Of course since I took a break for two months officially, I have a number of bug reports and suggestions to deal with. And of course, I have created so many mods and tried to keep them up to date obviously. And finally I turn most of my mods released before October to public use. For non-supporters, just take them as my Christmas presents. That is why I am so busy this month. Please don't be upset if I happend to be rude or indifferent to you guys. I... was just on the edge. That's all. you know, with all the Patreon glitch. And thank you people who helped me a lot. It was really helpful. I mean it.

Ok, let's just stop my whining already. I guess It would only make me more miserable. Let's talk about my WIP works. Thanks to your valuable bug reports and suggestions, I updated SLHH mod to 2.73version very recently. I also heard there is a way to mass-translate a plugin using machine-translation tool with TesVtranslator. I might stand a chance to translate BaboDialogue mod. Frankly speaking, I almost gave up my hope in translating this one. Technically these could be the rewards for the upcoming month.

Sexlab Approach 1.0 / Bikini Quest English Version / SLAL Animation Pack 2.0 with ABC / ABC Update / Immersive Idle polished version / Updates or bug fixes if necessary

The way I hear it, Santa is coming this Christmas but he'll be absent this year with his family issue. So I intend to assume his position in stead. Better be ready for your presents. And bless you with your future wife at 25th. We can do it fellas. I hope you will have a great time with your family as well. Hm..? How can you spend your time with both your girlfriend and your family? Hm........? Don't listen to me. I am the one who is a loser.

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??? ?? 12?? ?? ? ??? ???? ????. ??? ?? ?? ???? ????? ??, ?? ?? ?? ?? ??(?? ?? ??? ??? ??? ?? ??? ?? ??? ??? ???? ????????....), ????? 10? ??? ??? ????? ?? ???? ??? ? ???? ?????.

ABC ??? ???? ??? ?? ??? ??? ??? ???? ???? ?? ??????. ? ??? ????? ??? ?? ?? ??? ???? ?? ???? ??? ???. ?? ???? ?? ???? ?? ??? ???? ??? ?? ??? ? ?? ???. ?? ?? ????? ?? ???? 1.0 ????? ? ? ?? ? ???. ???? ?? ????. ???? ?? ???? ???????

Sexlab Approach 1.0 / ??? ??? ??? / SLAL Animation Pack 2.0 / ABC ???? / Immersive Idle ???? / ? ? ? ?? ??(?????)

??? ????. ?? SLHH ?? ?? ??? ??? 2.73?? ?????? ??? ? ???????. ??? ?? 1? ?? ??? ??? ? ??? ???? ????? ??? ? ?? ? ?????. ?? ?? ??? ????? ?? ?????? ??????? ????.... ?? ??? ?? ???????. ?? ?? SLAL ??? ? ??? ? ???; ?? ????? ???? ? ????? ??????... ?? ?? ???????~~ ??, ?? ????~~ ?? ??? ?????? ??? ????~ ?? ?????? ?? ? ???. ? ???! ??????!? ? ????!! ????? ???!!



고생하십니다 ! 드디어 어프로치 1.0이 나오는 군요!! 기대가 됩니다.


Your my Santa Babo


Santa is coming to Skyrim.


수고스러우시겠지만 다음 번 SLHH 업데이트 하실 때, 지금 경비병이나 갑옷에 하시는 것처럼 ----------- (이벤트) ----------------- 나 ### (이벤트) ###로 npc 대사가 어느 이벤트에 해당되는 건지 시작이나 끝을 구분 나눠주실 수 있으신가요? 당장 게임을 진행할 시간이 없어서 대사 읽어보는 걸로나마 즐기고 있는데, DIAL: GuardEroGreeting[09182489] 처럼 무슨 다이얼로그 뭉치에 해당하는 건지 나오는 게 아니라 DIAL: [0920B060]처럼 태그가 없는 대사면 이게 대체 어느 부분에 나오고 맥락이 뭔지 모르겠어서...


이게 제가 생각나는대로 추가하는 거라 순서를 마음대로 조정을 못하는 게 아쉽네요. 그렇게 하기가 참 힘들어요 ㅠㅠ 최대한 그렇게 할려고 하고는 있는데.