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This release is focused on fixes and balance. Basic levellers are upgraded to make the leveling more rewarding, dominance levellers of Dorian and Doriana are upgraded as well, others will be done in coming releases.
Big change is possibility to filter monsters by tags, this should allow to have certain flavored games, but it still needs some work. It is basic so far.
There is also new shortcuts 'z' and 'x' to cast effects, 'z' is for flying, 'x' is for explosion types. Targeted monster is highlighted by green circle and may be switched by 'q'. This should give more fluent gameplay for keyboard users.
Animation engine is also improved for better graphics.

There are few new monsters in Patreon. Breastrix is boss type of demon with new spells (missile explosion and homing missile) that may turn you into a milk slave when you actually milk your soul away or make your breasts lactate so fast they explode (into a splatter of sentient milk stains). There is also a SowGirl and pigs as a showcase of new additions to roll in stains.

Full game
There are better animations for seduction, new for eliminated monsters, and new level styles (forest, bamboo forest, decorated walls). This is a start point for better environment generation in coming releases.

Changelog 1.22
- Fixed issue with aura effects
- Shrines now are dropped in Mayhem
- Fixed issue with gloves placement (and items below default armor level)
- Slave of body part filter now allows actions using the body part as well (to accept breastfeeding)
- Missile explosion and homing spells
- Pushback now stuns the pushed monster if it collides with a wall and if it collides with a monster then it stuns both
- Updated drops in chests, now it contains bombs and should be more variable (less potions, more usable items)
- Flurry of slashes attack
- Reworked Warrior leveller to make it more entertaining
- Reworked Wizard leveller to make it more entertaining
- Reworked Dorian leveller to make it more entertaining
- Reworked Doriana leveller to make it more entertaining
- Refactored map painting for smoother animations and correct sequences of animations (missile then wall hit)
- Refactored cum addiction
- Added milk addiction (+breastfeeding)
- Added missing text for monster spawner furniture trap
- Added possibility to choose monsters by flavour at start of new game. This should provide possibility to flavour mayhem games and encounter less frequent monsters more often.
- Fixed eunuch dick issue for petrification
- Fixed issue with reset body parts when petrified
- Fixed issue with turning specific body part back to flesh
- Made hands body part visible and removed ears and nose for now. They were present, but not used and caused issues.
- Fixed issue of Ball effects (there were no effects applied and color was always pink)
- Fixed issue with auto generated weapons with stacking effects.
- Fixed issue with shrunken monsters pick up
- Fixed issues with mind control effects (many did not work correctly)
- Added forced action to strip item to free body part in mc effects
- Removed monster now drops all items
- Fixed issue of sigil and applied effect (now the caster of effect of sigil is the monster that placed the sigil).
- Forbid some effects and perks to be given to player (such as disappear on cum for ghosts)
- Added several action icons for body panel (such as feet related actions)
- Fixed issue with body mistress and disembodied when player
- Changed rule for resistance to directly cast spells, now there is a higher chance when target is seduced and auto hit for incapacitated
- Targeted monsters may selected using 'q' key. It searches for nearby monsters and cycles.
- Shortcuts 'z' and 'x' may be used to cast effects (z target attacked monster, x cloud explosion around player)
- Fixed issue with monsters with health below zero still alive
- Reduced timeouts for most of the spell perks

- Sow Girl, pigs and related effects (such as roll in stain)
- Breastrix demon and accompanying monsters (Milk slaves, sentient boobs and milk stains)
- Fixed slime girl issues and balanced her
- Fixed cum fairy behavior (it had a lot of effects, but used only one)

- Added animation for monster who reach negative dominance
- Added animation for barrier spell
- New animation for seduced status

Known issues:
- Frog girl still seems to jump off board sometimes, but less than before
- NPE in case of game finished by entering exit without link
- Repetitive pregnancy in case of multiple (hard to reproduce, many interactions)
- Lick your own ass possible through mc
- Floating fast action selection buttons not managed well if the application not on top
- Tentacles grow too fast from tentacle to monster
- Pull aura does not respect occupation of fields (two monster on same field)



Hi I'm also having an issue with the level editor. I've got a custom tile with a chest and a plate linked to a spell turret. I have manually set effects on both of these. However, when I play the level, the effects seem to get randomised to a generic trap effect on the chest and some generic gun effect for the gun. Is there some "no decorate" option I'm supposed to tick somewhere?


A small list of weird issues I am seeing from the full version, some of which may or may not be on the base version: Trample does not have a perk list when you try to click on it in your perk list. It does seem to give certain perks, but I have no idea how it works. I don't have "sexy animals" turned on, but occasionally I will get the option to "subjugate/sexy time" a goat. Most of the time not, but occasionally, one will try to seduce me.. On the Mayhem-large" maps, there seems to be a lot of black textures on the map and occasional missing pictures for body parts (bouncing broken link animation). Those these issues may have been due to upgrading to a new windows 11 machine.