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I started working on a couple new things and in the end they are more time consuming than I expected. First of all I wanted to add more clothes and make it more reasonable to actually wear them. So I reworked system of bonuses on randomly dropped clothes and I still need to work on balance.

Then I also changed a few rules (subjugation by body part, humiliation levelling) and made few actions available on any target (tear off clothes, mock, slap, pull).

Then I added feet related actions (trample, foot fisting, women kicking men).

And on top I also started with the ghosts, but they are difficult as hell. Not impossible, but hard to figure out how the effects should work so it looks like an actual possession. That is done. But then to prepare monster AI so it is entertaining and add rules so the ghosts are defeatable and player may somehow defend against possession is loads of work. So I'm sorry, I wanted to let you know I progress, but it is very slow. 

Thank you for your feedback especially regarding the possession, it really helps, sometimes I don't have a clue how to make it entertaining.



Take your time, mate! You've made some effective progress in the past few months. I'd hate to see you burn yourself out. Like others said, you could also take some time to also patch up some bugs on features already in the game. Maybe a full update after this one dedicated to doing that. One thing that is still a tad annoying is transforming back to normal after being turned into a different creature. Sometimes their debuffs (like inanimate objects being unable to move) carry over to your original form; Sometimes you're afflicted by multiple of these so you find yourself constantly switching forms out of nowhere; and ' a lot' of times, the game simply forgets what your original form is to begin with, and you're permanently stuff as some crooked abomination (not as sexy as it sounds). If permanent transformations are switched off, I think the game should make extra effort to record what shape you actually are before any transformative affliction or, possibly better for long term development, just smoothing out whatever code is responsible for transformations because there's clearly some crossed wires going on atmXD Keep up the good work, nevertheless. Cheers, Mate!

Andrew Gray

Thank you everybody for your support. I'm almost there, i need to do more testing and I will make the release. I will not catch all the bugs, because some (such as the slime girl effect convolution) are very complicated, but I hope I will remove most of the,