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HEY! HEY YOU!!! Yeah you! You're cute and I think you're cool :3

TLDR for audio update: I'm looking to have my "return" post be for next week. A Valentine's audio as well for sure! Otherwise, I am playing it by when I feel that buzz of motivation.

So Patreon tier Exclusives and such are put on hold. I will update if they are happening of course! Sorry for any inconvenience this brings.

Soooooooooooooo yeah this year has been dry, and I apologize for that. Mental has been very bleh and overall up until I'd say end of January I was in a fairly depressing state.


I am feeling SO good. So happy and excited to get my ass up and make content. Not thinking about having to make what people "want" and what I want makes me just. So much more motivated and I know the audios I make will be 200x better than if I did the former of trying to make something clickbait or the like.

I've really missed making audios. Some things became tedious to me. But putting the mindset of making to be creative and have fun is making me so giddy to create hehe.

It's honestly the most excited I have been to record and be creative in a while.

Again, I am sorry for the lack of content for the past while. But I fingers crossed am hoping what comes out will make up for it. I'm excited and I hope you all are too.

Much love and thank you. Thank you so much for being here, supporting me and listening to my works. Reading your comments and interacting with you all really makes my days doing this.

Mwah mwah ~ :3

If you have any questions please DM me! Always happy to answer. And feel free to join the discord server if you're a Pledging Patreon member! I'm looking to be more active in there and have little game nights, stream more and be around as ma goofy self :3

Bye bye!!!!
