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Linked in this post is the Survey/Sheet to submit ANY question you wanna ask (within the guidelines I wrote in the post) for my Q&A!!!

This will be open for this week and will be posted as an audio next week!

This all started from a twitter post I did (Link Here) where if it got 100 likes I would make this a Q&A/AMA! So thanks to those who liked it so this could happen! 

Would recommend checking the link as to not repeat a question!!


As of right now I don't have anything recorded and won't be able too until December. I will be making a post on the 1st about what is be posted for the first full month of December though!

I'll be shooting for one long form Exclusive and one more short form Patreon exclusive a week. As well as the tier specific audios and OF course bringing back Polls so YOU cuties can vote for a few Exclusives this and next month!!!

If you have any questions about your tier benefits, my dms are open on all socials :)

As always much love cuties and ASK ME SOME SEXY OR NON HORNY QUESTIONS!!!

Mwah mwah~ :3


Akolmfi AMA/Q&A for ma Cozy lil Cutays~

Please read what is below before submitting your question thank u! (Also yes this is fully anonymous!) SOME RULES BEFORE ANYTHING: No personal questions - Examples: Real name, place of living, family life and such. Don't ask me 20 questions PLEASE. I will only answer 1-2 from each submission.



What was your Spotify wrapped like??? My top Artist was JPEGMAFIA. Big fan :3