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TLDR: New audios coming out this week and next week! Feeling much better, In a very positive and happy mental place, Eager to work and missed you cuties so so so so much!

It's been a heck of a long time. Is it weird to say I missed writing posts almost as much as recording???

Either way, as the title states and the audio says. I am indeed feeling better and posting again!

Kicking off with a brand new audio THIS SATURDAY

Followed by new audios coming weekly! I am still in the process of working together my plans/schedule as I want it to be perfect for how I work. But you can be sure there will be at least 1 brand new audio coming every week to Patreon and 1 post to reddit weekly as well.

Im so excited to share what I have so far with you all!!! I'm proud of this new audio and I cannot wait to have you all hear it yourselves.

There's a lot in the update audio so I do recommend listening too it. But if not, I will be updating my socials weekly with what is coming for audios, new content, polls, surveys and tons of fresh new ideas I have coming!

I'm sorry for the issues before with me "coming back" and then leaving again. I have not been in a great mental state since I would say June. But I'm comfortable right now in saying I'm happy and hopeful that how I feel now will continue. 

Thank you for all the love even while I have been away. Your comments and messages mean a lot and really do make what I do that much more special.

Thank you for reading. Thank you for being here. Trying not to cry right now so I'm gonna end this post hehe..

Much love as always. Mwah mwah - Akolmfi~


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