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I'm very disappointed in myself (Which I am very vocal about in this audio)

I'd appreciate if u heard it through, but don't do so if you can't. TLDR is below as well as some writing about it.

Small TLDR:

Having issues with "pushing myself" to work, writing audio plots out in ways that help me turn them into a scene, lots of zoning out moments from some restless nights. Overall just disappointed I can't deliver what I really wanted to. But I am not giving up! An audio will be coming next week.

The time I would of been posting these audios for Friday/Saturday will be put into working on and structuring my writing to fit my style of recording better, making a better overall plot for the audio I was going to make and to ensure I am back in a mental state of working. Which I am not at this current moment.

I know what makes me struggle in these situations and I'm feeling confident that I can get through them again. I wasn't this nervous, shaky and unable to work before. And I know that with hard work and telling myself I can. That I will be able to get back into the swing of it all.

Again, sorry for this and I know it's been a lot. But I appreciate the kindness and understanding from so many of you. It means a lot.

Take care, shoot me a comment, DM or any questions you may have.

Much love. Mwah mwah - Akolmfi



Don’t be sorry boo boo, we will support even when you’re not at your best. Come back for us when you’re ready! ❤️


Thank you for the update. I became a member right before you had to stop recording. I myself have ADHD and Autism, so I can’t definitely relate to some of your struggles. You come across has very personable and caring. Which is why I’ve stayed subscribed to support you. I know this recording wasn’t what you wanted to put out. But I feel it was perfect. You took the time to let us know what all is going on, how you feel, and it was very heartfelt. This really meant a lot to me. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and a peek into your life……and for letting us hear your voice (which I always find incredibly hot, cute, and sexy) 😊 Lots of hugs to you and know that there is someone who cares about you very much. ❤️