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Hey. *poke* You're gay cause ur here. You valid and cool :3

It's about to be (at the time of writing this) Pride Month! Which means it's time to spoil the ever living FUCK out of my beautiful gay Komfy cuties!!

This is Poll #1 of 2. With plots based in Reality!

Be sure to vote on both! Your votes matter :3

As is always with these polls, the one at the end date (June 7th at 8pm EST)

Will be made into a NSFW Exclusive Audio for the month!


Option 1. [M4M/M4TM] Imma need more than 7 Minutes In Heaven With That Ass~

Audio starts with me in a closet, calling out to the rest of the party group for you to come in. Teasing that maybe you want some real “alone time” telling them all to leave the room. You finally come in. Calling you names like shrimp, softie and such. How cute you think it is that you’re so nervous but can hold a lie for so long. I force you (not in a bad way) to say that you stare at me. That you like that. Making you say that you’re into guys. Once you say it, you feel defeated. I give you a quick hug. “Don’t think this will happen all the time, got it bub? But I’m proud of you, you’re valid and we all love you. All of us here accept you for who you are no matter what. Alright? Good. Now, wanna keep being honest? I might just let you fuck some big dudes thighs~” Audio would continue with me letting you do what you’ve wanted, until I hear you say that you want what I want. Then giving everything I could have dreamt of to you.

Tags: [Gentle - Rough Mdom] [“Bully” To Lover] [Size Difference] [Making Fun Of You] [Degradation] [Making You Confess Your Feelings] [Good Boy~] [Letting Listener Thigh Fuck You] [2 Listener Orgasms] [Rimming And Playing With Your Balls] [You Still Have Cum Left] [Anal] [Against Closet Door] [Creampie] [Breaking The Door] [Aftercare] [Friends Knock On Door To Come Back In] [Give “Us” A Minute~] [1 L-Bomb]

Option 2. [M4M/M4TM] Experiencing Gayness. The Right Way.

This audio will feature you, the listener having your first ever Gay experience via a service my character provides. The service is for those who are nervous, contemplating their sexuality or have people in their who if they knew they did this would not agree with. You would be complete strangers. Will have tons of validation, praise, a safe word, making sure you’re aware of it being okay to feel good from a man’s touch, taking things as slow or fast as you need as well as (with the service) reading off what you wrote that you wanted from the service.

Tags: [Gentle Mdom] [Praise] [Sweet Names] [Validation] [Body Exploring] [Kisses] [Mutual Masturbation] [Handjob] [Letting You Explore Yourself] [Blowjob] [Pretty Boy~] [Missionary] [It’s Okay To Like This] [Anal] [Deep Creampie] [Please Breed Me~] [Cock Warming] [Aftercare]

Option 3. [M4M/M4TM] You Took Me As Your Husband… But Please Take More~

This audio will take place right after our wedding. We have a gorgeous AirBNB booked and that’s where the audio starts. Coming in, it immediately hits that all of the ceremony happened. Everyone knows that we’re together. In love. I’d have set up a little “surprise” and walk you down the hallway to our bedroom. Cheesily lined with flower petals and your favorite scented candle.
As we get to our bedroom door I’d blindfold you, before walking you in and getting changed. Putting on the dress I had bought for our wedding but was too nervous to wear. While I get you back into your gorgeous suit you wore. I’d gently lay you onto the bed, kissing you and remove the blindfold as I kiss over your underwear. Things from there get soft, raunchy and loving. Lots of emotions, you making you say over and over that I’m your husband. That I love you. Finishing with each other and having you hold me in your arms as I gently weep.

Tags: [Msub] [Newly Wed] [Listener In Suit, Speaker In Dress] [Treating My Love] [Body Worship] [Making Out] [No Genitalia Mentions] [Oral] [Cock/Strap Mentions] [Lifting Dress To Fuck Me] [Rimming] [Biting] [Possessive] [Anal] [Grinding With Eye Contact To Orgasm] [Aftercare] [Emotional] [Clothed Listener]

Love yall a bunch, thank you for the support and please take care! Have a happy and prideful June!

Mwah mwah :3



Fuuuuuck these are such good choices!!!!!!


I love being just a little gay. Totally not a raging homosexual. NO wayyyyy


I gotta go with 3 cause I love subs but 2 sound like such a nice audio


I want number one to win for that title alone