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Wrote this fully on Twitter so if u wanna read that in full click here 

But here's what I wrote. Cause no matter how many people criticize or make fun of my appearance. I know I'm happy being and looking like me and will continue to better myself for me.

Everyone has a different body type, body weight, height and so many more things that makes every single person special.  I personally am a shorter guy who's chubby and has a hairy chest. I do wanna lose some weight for myself in some time but that's only for me!

Which is how we should all be. Only changing not for "societal standards" or to be viewed how others want.  But for our own gain and to be the best YOU that you can be!  Be confident cuties and know people will always bring u down.

Let's say I was a 5'4 120ibs twink right?? Then what do I get from showing myself? I get a bunch of people over sexualizing me. Either you're not "perfect" to people and get called ugly, or you are "perfect" and get treated like a thing more than a person.

Be you, be proud of you and take care of you.  Everyone else will either grow up to be better with you. Or stay on that low, low level or berating others because they only know how to be there. On the bottom

Thanks for reading and I'll have an update for content coming soon :3




if you as a person decide to judge someone just based on how they look. Just imagine how that would feel back to you? Berated, bullied, mental hurt or even beaten for being something someone doesn't "idolize". But, on the same coin if you are that idolized person what does that come with?? Those same insane people who would berate you for being something they deem ugly now only want you for your body. There is no winning with those people. They exist to berate and be on this "pedestal" they make for themselves. Be decent people. If you don't think someone is attractive that's fine. They aren't yours to judge though. Keep it too yourself, grow up and realize not everyone is this Ken/Barbie doll for you to fantasize over.


You are so cute, omg. I love short, chubby guys, they're so cute. I want just wrap you in a blanket and cuddle the shit out of you.

Skyler Sheridan

You’ve gotta cute tummy I wanna give it a raspberry