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Hey hey! Back here again as always. Sorry, I just wish I could actually do the work I WANT to do but of course things happen.

About The Audio And Updates: My youngest sibling has been sick for about a week and therefore hasn't gone to school in a week so I have had 0 time to record alone.

I absolutely will be putting out the Prince Exclusive audio before the end of September but it may be closer to the end. I'd assume around the 26th-29th the latest.

I also want to take this time to say coming next month I plan on doing weekly scheduling for you all! Letting you know on Sunday's what audios, content and updates are coming for the week ahead and repeating. Think it'll make it easier for me and help with letting you all know what's going to be coming out rather then having to post these saying I can't do certain uploads.

Again, sorry about the delays that have been happening. Out of my control I know but it sucks to think I'm going to be creating and getting to work and having something out of nowhere halt it. Hoping it can be chill for a while very soon.

Discord Event: We're going to be doing a chill out Community fun night on Saturday the 24th at 8pm est. We're going to be doing 2 things! One is the new Summoning Salt speedrun record video on Megaman 2. The second will be a music sharing competition! Anyone can submit 1 song into the music bot. Once we have them all 1 by one we will vote on what song was the best! The person who's song has the highest voted points will get a special role in the server cause they the music goat :3. We'll be trying to do this every other week or so! 

Hope to see yall there.

Extra Words And Updates: Anyways yeah. Thanks so much for an amazing September so far cuties. I'll get a post out on Sunday about if there will be an audio for Monday as well cause ATM... not too sure. It depends on if I get alone time which I am not sure I will. 

If not I'll at least try to put out the polls for the Exclusives next month in the coming week, having it run through to a bit of October.

Either way I will let you know. Stay safe and I hope you're all well cuties. Thanks for the love, support and for being you.

Mwah mwah :3



Much loves cuties. Thanks for being so understanding of when things like this happens. It can be really stressful for me but when I see you all being sweet and kind about it. Just makes me feel so happy to have a community of people who care about and understand me. Thank u