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This month was so much fun and I hope you all enjoyed the audios and content that came out! Now into September my family will FINALLY be out of my house. You know what that means?

We're looking at getting 3 Audios a week regularly once again!

I'm so excited to be able to deliver all the content I was pushing out before this summer again.

The Patreon, Reddit and Twitter are about to be popping! While I'm gone too there will still be the content on all three of those platforms.

So click the links below to view them!



All My Links 

But Ak? What's on the menu now that you have free time? WELL CUTIES I GOT NEWS!

We're going to be having:

  • Reddit Audios Every Tuesday/Friday. (With Some Bonus Content For Yall Some Sundays :3)
  • Early Access Patreon Audios Every Monday And Thursday at 8pm EST.
  • Patreon Exclusive Audios Every Saturday at 8pm EST.
  • Kink Of The Month Audios On A Scheduled Sunday Once A Month. (With a new way of going about these!)
  • Live Recordings You Can Listen Into Once A Month Starting In October.
  • Bloopers/Extra Little Content Coming In More Often.
  • Occasional Monthly Themes, With Audios Pertaining To Those Themes. Such as Monsters Themes In October And Such!
  • Working with Writer's and Other VA's To Make More Amazing New Content
  • More Moans, Kisses And Validation Then Ever Before.

I have plans to shift around some benefits in some tiers as well coming into September. Of course, if I make any changes you will be made aware so as to know if you wanna stay in that tier or not.

I'm also excited to show off some amazing writers. Without writer's I don't think would be where I am. So to all the writers thank you so much for your work. You deal with so much and continue to impress with your talent's. U deserve the praise just as much as any other member of the GWA spear community.

As well as some amazing VA's. I only came into making audios because of how inspirational some VA's where to me. Now with me being where I am and seeing some VA's tell me they enjoy my work it just makes it feel so heartwarming. VA's. Keep being you. Keep striving to make something you're proud of cause we are always proud of you. Thanks for being you.

Now...I'm ready. I finally have the time and resources to make sure you cuties get the best consistent content out of me. I'm doing my best to plan ahead and trying to keep things nice and fresh for you all. Part of that is also having to do with asking YOU my lovely group of cuties if there's anything you'd like to see? Whether it be an audio idea, rewards for a tier, bonus content or anything I'd love to know. Feel free to dm me or comment it below! Don't be shy :3

I'm so grateful to have a group of people like you cuties. People who are so kind, sweet, accepting and understanding. You've given me so much happiness this past year of making content and it makes doing this the best experience I've had in my life. Each and every one of you. Thank you for everything. And we're not stopping here.

See you all with the next big post in September cuties. Or should I say... Subtember.

Did I spoil something? Maybe. Are you excited? I hope so.

Mwah mwah :3 - Akolmfi



Oooh wee. This is gonna be fun. Can't wait


The love you cuties show me is and always will be baffling. I was 20 years old a year ago and unsure of what to do. Now I am 21 and have more purpose to do what I love doing then I ever have. You've changed my life. You've made me feel special. You all are amazing. Thank you for everything and I will see you all on the 5th. So so so much love cuties. Dm me if u wanna chat btw. I do not bite :3