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So yeah I got strep throat. Someone in my family had it and so graciously passed it to me.

Sucks ass but I'm doing my best to recover from it and I'm feeling a lot better then before so that's good. Hoping by this weekend I'll be back to 100% or close to.

Sorry for this cuties. I know it's not my fault but even still it sucks to get sick, especially before my 1 year on GWA/making audios.

I MIGHT! Key word MIGHT! Have an audio to post tomorrow for my 1 year but do not 100% count on it.

If not I am gonna ask you cuties if you'd want me to maybe just post my old first audio I made again as a repost. My first ramblefap.

I know it's nothing new but I would like to at least give you all something.

Anyway. Thanks to those who have been sweet while I am recovering it means a lot.

Hope you cuties have had a fantastic month ESPECIALLY cause it was Pride!

You're all amazing and thanks so much for being so sweet, loving and supportive yall.

Much love and I'll be back soon I promise.

Mwah mwah :3


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