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Hi Cuties It's me! Back again to moan in them ear holes. Hope you're all having a fantastic Pride month so far and are being extra gay for us :p

So some might say I'm... not the best at "lasting it out". Not the #1 best guy at holding in the load if yo will. Maybe not the top not nut master. Might even go as far as to say I am a bit of a quickshot but hey! It's not my fault I've got a lil sensitive body. I'm gonna prove I can last out for at least a bit you'll see!

As always cuties I sincerely wish and hope you all the best. Be sure to take care of yourself and don't let other's get you down. Your happiness matters just as much as others. *hugs*

OH HEY! I am gonna start doing a thing when I post at the bottom down here called "Ak's Quote Of The Day!" Where I am gonna post a quote that I have written down of myself being a dummy. Cause you know. Why not! I like getting to say more to yall and have you all see how much of a dork I am d:p

Ak's Quote Of The Day - "She replaced an appendage with a sex toy. Call that Armadildo." 

I apologize for nothing and this is what you've all allowed to spawn muahahahahah!

Mwah mwah :3 

This audio was made by me u/Akolmfi on reddit or Akolmfi on patreon, a 18+ adult and this content is made for other 18+ consenting adults. In no way should you repost, re use or do anything with my content without my given consent. Thank you