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Hey! I feel like you cuties are always the one's saying nice things to me and supporting me. So I wanna ask yall a question.

What are some things as of late that you're really proud about yourself about?

Could be some traits, body goals, helping yourself mentally, something new that has went well like a job or a move, a hobby you've been loving or anything in between! 

I just want you to feel loved and know that I care about you cuties being happy too. I appreciate all the support, kindness and love you show to me 24/7 but I want you to get some of that love back.

Of course if you're not comfortable sending anything no worries! You could dm me too if you'd rather or not post at all. I still love you and whatever you're doing, working towards or what not just know you're doing great and we're proud of you!

Much love cuties and have a good one :3 Mwah mwah!



I went to my first ever concert last month. Also last night I enjoyed dinner with some friends. Thats the only interesting things I have to report 😂


I'm joining a dance team in my area, which is kinda nerve-racking for me being in my 20s. But I've always loved dance and really looking forward to dancing semi-professionally! I also aced my midterm in math with a 93!


I hope the dance team goes well hun! I'm sure it will :3 Also congrats on the math!!! I failed it 3 times so better then me hehe