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I know I've said this before but I just really don't wanna believe this has happened.

In early 2020 I dropped out of high school, In late 2020 I was finally diagnosed with ADHD and severe anxiety and started getting medicated for it. In June of 2021 I finally started feeling as though the meds were doing something positive so I decided to go ahead and try something new. I made my first audio on the 1st of July and from there on everything I could dream of going right went right.

From the quick and loving support of you all, the boost in confidence from my meds, meeting the love of my life and now being able to do what I've always wanted being a creator for a living. I really am living a dream and I just wish I could go back in time to 2016 and tell myself that everything that kid wanted would come true. To feel loved, wanted and proud of himself.

I love you all so much. I hope I can make you all feel the way you make me feel now. I cannot be happier and it's thanks to you cuties.

Please take care and know you're loved, valid and gorgeous. *hugs*



Gautier Knight

How are you so pure lol :’) I had a similar experience with meds this year after my mom passed end of last year. My anxiety was completely out of control. Your audios were one of the things that kept me calm in that hectic time last year. So thank YOU bro. 💚


Akolmfi So sorry to hear about your mother. Happy to be able to give some calmness cause that's for sure what you've all given me as well. *hugs* Much love


Thanks so much dear. *hugs*


These past three years have been some of the lowest and the highest points of my life. I never would've imagined that I'd make so many friends through listening to your audios. Thank you for creating such a wonderful community and spreading love and positivity. You are such an amazing person. 💖


*hugs* so much love for ya hun. Thanks for being so kind and sweet these past months.