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Thank you all so so so much for the endless love, support, care and so much more that you've all given and shown to me you have no idea how much it helps to see the love that you all bring into my life so thank you.

It means so much to me that I can do something like this and have a community of people like yall that support me and enjoy what I make. Had you have told me I'd have this 2 years ago I would have made fun of you for thinking someone like me could muster anything. But alas I have you all supporting me and it really is a dream come true to me.

All I've ever wanted was a platform where I could do my own thing and have people be along for the ride with me and you all give me that ability.

Now I just gotta keep figuring out how to keep yall entertained hehe.

But for real I wanna give you all the best content I possibly can give out.

With that in mind I have a new mic on the way! (thank you to the lovely person who bought me that!) and I've been thinking of ideas for collab content as well as the "podcast" idea I had that may be turned into something different but still will give you more of me in a 1 on 1 style talking setting!

Of course any updates for that you all get first ears on hehe.

Thanks so much. To each and everyone of you. I hope you're doing amazing and I hope to keep making content you enjoy. Stay amazing cuties :3



Never heard someone pronounce my last name as Goo din.🤣 The second version you said was correct if your curious.


The moment you mentioned my name i got the biggest smile x3