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Strap in for one of the most comprehensive episodes on Oswald Spengler's  Decline of the West and his work in general there is! Spergler Acolyte  is a  master scholar of Spengler among the frogs. He joins me on this  episode to talk many things related to Spengler's concept of  civilization, Pseudomorphosis of cultures, the work of art in a  civilization, religion, Anime heroism, politics and more!  the free version includes most of it, but the full episode is 3 HOURS  and includes extra discussions on Spengler's view of Russia and its  future, include some discussion of his work "the hour of decision".  available on PATREON and SUBSTACK, both starting at $5 a month!  with  cool swag like artist prints and a mug at higher tiers.

Plz follow and SUPPORT Spergler Acolyte:

 Twitter- https://twitter.com/SperglerAcolyte 

Substack- https://substack.com/@spergler




is there a way to listen to this on a faster 1.5x 2x speed?

Sarah King

Another excellent episode, Gio! Thanks for the level up 😉

Lance Audette

Incredible episode, Gio