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Strap in for part 3 of art after metaphysics by John David Ebert. Here we go from NYC to Germany, covering the prolific post-war art of Anselm Kiefer and Joseph Bueys, who take up art in the age of semiotic apocalypse and the grand loss of meaning. Also commentaries on their work in relation to Heidegger, Spengler and Agamben. 



Lance Audette

Great episode Gio, really hits home how poorly most do to contextualize 20th century art as an *intentional* reflection of a post-calamity world. Not entirely sure why but I was making connections to Fassbender’s Berlin Alexander Platz, particularly the final episode, as well as David Lynch’s Eraserhead.


I was riding my bike home at 12 and the road was conoletely empty devoid of life and I was thinking could an empty freeway in an suburban area be considered heterotopic there is neighborhood art splattered all over the place for each corporate project and there are golf fields and shop malls and the ever present encroachment of nature thats pushed back by grey brutalist buildings and park lots and bridges its also a place devoid of time similar to a hospital where people come and go as they please. As i was listening I couldnt help but feel the road way itself is almost apocalyptic especially when no one is around its actually particularly scary with the darkness contrasted with the classic orange streetlights and it turns into a non place especially when its night it felt liminal to me as well because in my area after 11 no one is on the road I live in an area flooded with old people in florida so its dead at night pretty much especially in the suburbs and everyday after work i ride my bike and make up stories about whats in the dark especially in a lot of more creepy places like one building on the way thats not finished being built that is emoty and the lights flash on an off and theres this empty second floor and i always imagine there being a shadow or person staring at me from up there. The best way i can describe it is a well made gmod map lol