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Strap in for a great episode of Content Minded, finally Zero HP  Lovecraft sits down to talk about his Literary and posting career, the  nature of discourse on the internet, Rural vs. urbanites, a post-trump  political order, Nietzsche as Psychologist and more! the Paywalled  version includes spicier topics like a little debate over Ecaths, a  discussion of Pr0n and more. Available at Patreon and Substack starting  at $5 a month, with other tiers giving you amazing swag like artist  prints and a mug!  

Plz Follow and SUPPORT ZHP: 

Twitter- https://twitter.com/0x49fa98 

Substack- https://zerohplovecraft.substack.com/ 

Buy Book- https://canonic.xyz/books/146HES4aAxFZocPcfwT8KNd44sUM2TyCkn




the naysayers on YT can get bent. They can sit and spin, if ya kno what ah'm sayin'