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I feel like its time to do another solo variety mega show, so to all of my lovely and amazing patrons, you know the drill, ASK ME ANYTHING. here in the comments or email a longer comment to me at giantgio@msn.com. the last one was a success, so I wanna hear from you. 

also i must get around to working out a discord for you guys, and I am in the process of printing off new woodcuts from the TFW NO GF series for all my new 20 and 50 dollar patrons! the ZINE is also something I have to work on, been busy structuring the draft to my first book. Anyways, I look forward to all of your questions. 



Were you ever a forum poster? What were/are your favorite forums?


What's your view on digital art? Will you ever do a video regarding Decadent Art? Also seeing that your becoming more of a weeb have you watched fist of the north star?


My wife and I are are expecting our son this September. We are stoked out of our minds and very blessed. Do you have any nuggets of wisdom for a first time father ? Don’t worry I’m not exclusively outsourcing future father advice to my online parasocial relationships. I have a community of friends and family but I’m looking for all the help I can get in this silly world. Asking Tio Gio can’t hurt Anyways , hope you’re doing well and taking care of yourself . Your content genuinely brings me a ton of joy.


Would love to hear about your political transformation and journey from when you first started streaming/ posting online.

Sarah King

Fellow Italian-Canadian cradle Catholic, here! I have two questions for you, Gio: 1. What are your thoughts on JF Martel's view that we are in a crisis of semiotics because no new symbols are being made? I just discovered him, myself and it echoes your first episode on Art After Metaphysics. I grabbed my own copy, btw lol. 2. As an elder-millenial female, who found herself in the manosphere (and adjacent internet circles) because it seems to be the only place addressing the problems faced by modern women - who would you recommend as a decent role model for us ladies? Especially, us ladies who found ourselves on the road to redemption after being duped by online neo-liberalism? Other than turning to God - is there a female BAP? Beyond Paglia, I mean? Apologies in advance and thank you for your patience, if these questions have been asked or touched on previously. I'm a recovering normie trying to get a foothold on all of this and I'm getting a lot out of your show.


As everyone's favorite theorycel, what books/authors would you recommend for someone who wants to get into philosophy or political theory as a starting point?


Could you do a quick rundown on recent dissident right slang? Terms like longhouse, gem, coal, chud, etc. and your take on their meanings and use


Last one, Scott Greer when?


Who is your favorite poet? What are your thoughts on poet painters like Blake?

Lance Audette

The Saskatchewan First Act just passed legislature Gio, now, it’s a simple bill, essentially just re-asserting provincial claims over things such as resource usage. The Indigenous tribes claim they’ll begin blockading railways if the SaskParty doesn’t back down. Are our First Nation brethren ultimately a patronage group for the Federal & International elites? Easily bought off, minute population, yet with an air of righteous indignation & retribution? How could The Right ally with indigenous tribes without going full Uncle Ted mode?


I been seeing a lot of post era soviet collapse ruins and i was wondering what your thoughts are on chernobyl modern ukrain and the effects you think russians living among the most modern ruins of an empire are. Also do you think a majority of liminal spaces are American because of globalization or do you think each culture can possess liminal spaces is this a modern phenomina or an ancient one? And to tie it together do you think russians perceive the soviet era apt blocks and other memorable land marks as liminal spaces the way americans do to movie theatres empty malls ect?