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the patreon exclusive half of my first solo variety mega episode. I cover many things from the Iranian revolution, what I call "wholesome chungus nationalism", a review of the film "the Duke of Burgundy" and the song "Sidhartha" by Jerry Contrell. this episode is late, I had a sprained foot and other obligations, but Giantart Reviews comes back next week! 

song by Philip Daniel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V0o6voakIks

Link to articool: http://en.kalitribune.com/slava/




yes, unwitting tools is vast majority, and always main mechanism. So tempting...To believe for a moment...a plan to TROOST...maybe I have done nothing wrong at all...no, all my actions are good, and my thoughts too...or in a probly more accurate sense: Every event gives "Dissident" an off-ramp to join back with party-line, even if on margins, and then people want to grill or do other vacuous activities. Hence MILLIONS


putler simply appealing 2 asian countries, india, china etc.


Stuff like 'wholesome chungus reddit nationalism' is why Baudrillard/Debord are great thinkers for our time. Debord would say spectacular language has come to be the defining milieu, which digital media has only further solidified such language all the more. Words like 'nationalism' become the twitter shitlibery flag in bio, whereas, as you say the Ukranian soldiers fighting frontlines express a real nationalism (even if they're fighting for the wrong cause/leaders, there's still a genuineness to it about their homeland). And so, the 'slava ukraini' 'solidarity with ukraine'—isn't at all 'nationalism,' it is 'wholesome chungus nationalism' as you say, where it only serves the spectacular globohomo society we live in. And so (for lack of a better example), when we are called to 'denounce racism,' it is not racism as such we are called to denounce but a spectacularized version of it, whose denouncement of it only serves further subordination and submission to the current thing. When journalists cry "Do you denounce X" "Do you denounce Y" it is exactly this manipulative tool, which is where thinkers like Harris say fall astray, "of course I denounce Jan 6" "Of course I denounce Trump, look at all the terrible things he did!" (not actual quotes). But these denouncements™ only serve the status quo! Even when you hear of 'this is the alt-right playbook!!!' or 'this is a covid disinformation campaign' from the media, it is but a clever tool. As the viewer, the one being sold 'how not to get manipulated' from the media, breadtube and co.—They in an attempt 'not to be manipulated' – gets they themselves manipulated! And further submission and subordination to the current thing is all the more guranteed. Half-way through the pod, great stuff Gio! Sneed those stuperchats or a MANUAL TYPEWRITER!