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The full interview with Peter Nemets. his penetrating depth into topics such as the Bantu Expansion, the formation of European civilization, Eurasianism, the current conflict, Race and various genetic pressures in North America, and more! 

Follow Nemets on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Peter_Nimitz 

on Substack: https://nemets.substack.com/ 

Buy his translation: https://www.amazon.com/85-Days-Slavyansk-Alexander-Zhuchkovsky/dp/B09YSWS1MY 




there are almost no satisfactory protections from sort of predation u mention nemets...any way u write that law would create a new type of predators (as we have alrdy seen). Simply speaking, some creatures are born to be eaten.


i guess, u can cheer for sideways "victories", but gradation of fake and gay is not rly so satisfying, and always ends up going the same way -- unless u are counting on some gr8 hoodwinker, but even in this case, it is the hoodwinker's victory and no1 elses.


SHORTLY: solution to fren/enemy is not "make moar frens" -- but i am a LIBERAL