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  • Timelapse - Page 8.mp4
  • Timelapse - Page 9.mp4
  • Timelapse - Page 10.mp4



Timelapse videos below the text in the attachments!

I believe I promised some of this :) And if I remember right there was at some point interest in seeing more of the comic process, page layouts/thumbnailing etc. so I picked out some things from the latest project.

I again wish I could have anything definitive to say, something tangible, but the truth i that very often it feels like I'm just pulling stuff out of my butt and some of it ends up working 😂 I have some thoughts knocking around my head when drawing stuff like this, but it is faaaaar from anything that could be used a general rule.

I'm very serious when it comes to personal style though, like with any art and writing! I think once you start taking note of it, it becomes very visible when reading comics from different artists and genres. For example, something that stuck with me when I was a kid, I always read the forewords of Don Rosa's Duck comics (Don't get me started on Don Rosa's duck comics) where he describes his creation processes, and in one of them he put huge emphasis on how he almost never draws a panel that takes the entire page, but when he decides to do that, it is to convey something bigger, some emotion that is supposed to matter and stop the reader. And as silly as it sounds of me now, drawing comics about anime men fucking in the shower, I was given that thought once long ago and it stuck with, even today! Like, these things actully matter, perhaps not in a sense that other artists' rules should be my or your rules, but that the ways we stylize our own storytelling have weight in our stories. And fuck now I'm getting all up in my feels about comics, even though it's just a 10 page shower fuck comic fhksfgjskd WHAT IS WRONG WITH MEEEEE

Anyway! I hope this was informational and/or entertaining!💕




Whoa, so much content 😱 thank you so much for all of this! It really helps small beginner arists like me to see how people do it and how their workflow works out. Thanks so much for these 🙏😍


I looove posts like this and I think it’s super nice to see, especially maybe for folks who can’t make for livestreams since I know you tend to talk about things as you go along (amongst many many other shenanigans 😂😂) I also personally really love artists sketches during the process. It’s like getting to glimpse into something super special since we’re essentially getting to see a piece being created and some of the thoughts/ideas that go into it rather than just the finished illustration. Like how some people love the behind the scenes footage/interviews/etc with creators/actors etc of their favorite games or movies. Definitely will take some time to watch the timelapse and thanks so much for sharing this with us~ 💖💖


Thank you! It's a lot of fun seeing the behind the scenes of any art process, for sure 🥰


Thank you! And hard agree, I just love anything behind the scenes/commentary. I feel like while streaming, talking about the process feels easier since it's just part of chit chat, writing it down like this always feels oddly official 😂 Even though I know I'd enjoy it a lot from other artists!