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Stream link! I'm running a bit late, apologies for that


And the pass word is "OldMcDonaldHadAFarm", if needed.

Hello! If technology allows, I plan to stream later tonight (around 9PM eastern europe time for me, if I got my math right that should be 11AM pacific standard time. In any case, a little bit over 4 hours from now)

I'll be over at picarto again, I'll update a link and password to this post later once I start setting everything up.

Plan is to get going with the third tier reward art of this month, which is cow/bull hybrids! I'll be starting from scratch, so there's gonna be a lot of figuring out posing and design.

See you there! ✨️💻



It was wonderful, thank you Pete! I think I hit my socializing quota. Hence why I was so fricken talkative.


Awww man, sad I missed it, would of been really fun to see things go from scratch! Oh well, I hope everyone had a wonderful and fun time!