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CW: werewolf Enji, big dick & large insertion, science kink, wild disregard of research ethics

This month third tier reward is finally here! I thought my little brain numb with what kind of tropes and poses and everything I could throw at werewolf Enji, and eventually it hit me with like a brick. So! As much as traditional fantasy setting and monsters and vampires and all that hit the spot, I present to you: modern fantasy world, lycanthropy and post grad student Hawks doing his research on some.. less studied aspects of the condition. Did he get into this subject because he met Enji years ago during one of his undergrad classes? Well, maybe, but getting good D is sometimes a long term project. Like, well, a doctorate! 😂

I hope I made all the monster fuckers among you proud 👉👈😳

[ Enji, Hawks, Endhawks ]




I jumped up a tier as a birthday present to myself and was going to scroll right to the mermaid comic... and then I see *this.* Amazing