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CW: failed BDSM communication, dom drop, consentual impact play/whipping, tiny bit of blood & Hurt/Comfort.

Finished! I know I always talk about "SKETCH suggestions" but man, sometimes when I get my head wrapped around an idea I just feel i have to put in the effort to do it justice! And once I got the ball rolling this was an emotional joy to make.

Also, I'm gonna show my full bare ass here and be real with you: I don't know bdsm! Sure I can read fics and see art and and there are some aspects of it I've seen that I can be into but as a whole I don't feel like I understand it deep down, and sometimes - SOMETIMES- my failures to understand make me feel like, well, a silly prude to be honest with you. Like it's something I SHOULD be into, in order to be valid. I don't know why, it doesn't make sense, there's no one out there demanding these things of me, but the feeling lingers! So the reason making this little thing hit me so hard was because the more I thought about it, I felt like I wanted to channel that uncertainty that I DO understand, to depict something I DON'T understand. You know? Idk if any of that made sense, but I do like what I ended up drawing!

Many of you suggested more mermaids too, so I'll propably take the rest of the month to wind down a little bit and draw exactly that.💗,

[ Enji, Hawks, Endhawks ]




Another perfect piece ;-; the eyes when he sees the blood. I am really into this stuff, but damn you made that perfectly soft in the end ♡ just great


I love the way that you portray them so much. ❤️ They have such a loving and healthy (sexual)relationship.