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CW: Gang bang

Self indulgence...... Aghhhh to anyone wondering, this is what the kink tweet the other day was about! And I still don't know if I got it like I'd want it, it's kinda hard to convey in still images and in limited space. It's like.... gang bang, but it has to be like.... *gestures vaguely at air* you know?

Anyway........ I like the default pre-timeskip Hinata just fine, but something about the timeskip beach jock surrounded by beefy guys enamored with him..... good shit!




I don't even go here, but this is yummy. 🥵


A train bang! It's hard to find this kind of content because if you search "gang bang" you get everyone going all at once...but if you put in "train bang" you just get the same thing but happening on a train. Such an underappreciated format of group sex!