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This is not an actual tutorial by any means so take everything with a healthy grain of salt. But! Here are some thoughts I have on drawing hands, how I developed my style, how I visualize them while drawing and what kinds of details I emphasize.
For me, everything in my style is just years of observations that have piled up. Sometimes I see a detail in someone's art that I really like, and adapt it into my own! Sometimes I realize something about my own style that I don't care for, and make changes based on that! Sometimes I idly swing my arm around and notice a muscle or a bone or a tendon I never noticed before and go "Shit!!! I gotta add that in"! 

If there are any artists here who would like to use the hands I draw as reference or for studies, I say hell yeah go for it! Just don't take what I do as some kind of anatomical truth, explore around and find a way to draw them that makes sense to you!<3




This is super interesting, thank you!


Omg Pete you're absolutely amazing😭 I always admire how you draw hands, it must taken you so much time for having this rendering you have today but damn time is worth it !! You draw them so well, i will try harder with your advice and i hope I will be capable to draw some hands like yours one day 🥰✨🔥💛 what a amazing artist you are.


This is super cool to see your process! I would love to see more content on this! (Im not personally an artist, I just really like learning about that stuff)


Thaaaaaaaanks Pete♥️


I squealed when I saw this, haha. Your art style gives me the biggest heart eyes and it is awesome to get some detailed insight into your process &lt;3


Aaaaaaa thank you so much!! 😭💕 I wish could show or explain the things I do better somehow, but if this makes any sense/is helpful at all, I'm more than glad! Have fun with the hands 🥰


It's always fun to see "behind the scenes" stuff on anything really! Happy you liked it 🥰


thank you for the helping... hand... heh... (this is SUPER cool and I love learning how artists approach these things!! I love the styling of your hands so this is all fascinating to learn :D)


Your hands and feet are the sexiest things I've ever seen. I may be just a little jealous because (on the rare occasion I actually do some art) my hands always look like shit. The last piece I did was specifically a collage so I could avoid having to draw hands and just found some from a magazine.


I absolutely love the way you draw hands. 💕💕💕


I’m making that third page my fucking wallpaper. I loooove hands but i get the anatomy mixed up and they end up coming out blocky. Yours are the perfect balance of realism and movement 🤤👌


Wow this is so cool! I’m not an artist but I think it’s really neat to see all this! It shows how talented you are!


my toxic trait is believing I’d be able to draw a perfect hand like you do after reading this having NEVER drawn before, this is amazing!!


References references references!! As I'm getting on top of my own mental health I'm intending on finally starting to teach myself to draw. My dexterity is shit so I am taking various advice around to use tracing to teach my hands the movements I need. I'm thinking of tracing a few times and then doing side-by-side reference drawing to see how much of a difference it made. Ohh maybe do that beforehand and see like a before and after. Really have fun with it and /celebrate/ my mistakes. (Obv not claiming any of that as mine.) I really love your suggestions, they run along the lines of what I've seen elsewhere but I never thought of taking details like 'oh I like that lil skin fold, I'm gonna try to add it to my work and just go for it.' That's so interesting!! Thank you so much for doing this Pete. Honestly, this is the best sort of 'tutorial', an actual step-by-step tutorial just doesn't really work. Taking on your own idea of 'Hey I like that I'm gonna try it' after reading your 'this is what I've done' is probably the best kind of advice you could ever offer!


Hands have always been wildly intimidating for me to draw, I usually get halfway through then panic yeet it into some chaos scribble, so I really appreciate the breakdown and the encouraging words! It's funny how often I forget the basic concept of "you know you can just photograph your own hand and trace it until you figure out what you're doing". My brain always says "No! Tracing is bad! Go to drawing jail!" which is very silly of it.


I'm the same way. My family actually gave me a tracing board when I was a kid and I really, really loved tracing and I was given the 'tracing is bad' scare and it actually stopped me from drawing anymore. That was almost twenty years ago and I've started trying to draw again and I'm going use these tracing techniques to teach my hands what to do.


Very interesting/eye opening!! I especially loved the part about the "just moving parts with joints, skin and flesh connecting them" that's definitely going to stick with me 💛💛💛💛


Really interesting way to tackle them tbh! Your way of drawing and positioning them is really mesmerizing. I am slowly putting more and more attention towards them because they were really intimidating for me to draw a while ago. But after learning a few rules and making some observations it really helped. Funny how you mentioned that you are still learning and spotting new things, because SAME. There is a way of just drawing a hand "correctly" but you can improve on it so much by posture alone, the way the pinky kinda does its own thing, etc, etc. Tysm for this post, it really helped to showcase what you pay attention to and how you break up the hand.


Thank you! And oh there so many art things other do that I'm jealous of, too... It's always the boring old "practice practice practice" but damn, if it isn't always true 😭


Thank you! Hand anatomy can be such a pain because of all the moving parts, there never seems to be just one "right" way to do it and call it a day, but! That's what makes is exciting, I think!


Yes!! This is awesome! Drawing is so great and even if the beginning can be stiff, doesn't mean it'd be any less fun or creative. If you ask me, one of the best ways to get your brain to hand connection and muscle memory going at the start is just drawing whatever in the world, with no care of what it'll even look like or who's gonna see it. I think it might sometimes seem like every single sketch and piece an artist shows is so polished, that the art just comes out of nowhere and there's pressure that every single drawing you make has to be up to some standard as well, but I promise you, everyone has pages and pages and pages of just absolute bonkers goofy ass wonky doodles and studies tucked in somewhere they're not showing the world. So just trying stuff out without any care of what it'll look like and figuring out what way of doing things works for you specifically is key!


That's great! I'm a really visual person so I don't always have the right words to explain what I mean, but honestly that explanation is as close as it gets to what I'm going for haha!