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ok!!! I will show everthing I found related to cut content, such as faces, scenarios, anything!!! Some are from me, others are from the Artist Md00dls. I will write a little thing describing the shots!

-Dexter's commercial (turned into a missing commercial for future reasons)

-Skid and Pump getting angry at ignacion and turning realistic to scare him

-Walking to the church

-Bob mocking Streber

-Robert fake crying and grabbing a bunch of candy

-Jaune petting Pump

-Le funny pose 

-Susie eating candy

and that's it!! There is more cut content but that's the script and the first story I had!!! anyway! next week I will try to talk about Bob getting crashed!!!  

for the moment here's a sequence of me shitting and  Bob throwing me, unused Idea since we need fast paste shot 



Morgan K.

Update today reminder Pelo

