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HIHIHI! I THOUGHT TODAY WAS WENDSDAY AHAHAHA!!! oopsy~  Today I will talk about Bob's design! The first idea was just someone attacking Lila in the first episode/Pilot, then I wanted to base each enemy into the 7 sins, of course Bob is Gluttony, so I made a bunch of drawings of what I wanted and how he will look! 

As you can see, his horns were tiny back then, reaaaally tiny, but what about his personality? I based it on 2 horror Movies!! Leatherface and Michael Myers!!

After that and imagining how he will act as a villian, I made the "last" concept for him.

The first idea was for him to use normal silverware, maybe the classic big knife, but,  while I was looking into kitchen knifes, I found a peculiar knife, filet knife I think it's the name, idk, it's used to clean the fat of the meat and also to get ridoff the fish skin!

Here's trivia for you! did you know the first Idea for bob's mask was him getting ridoff his facial hair ( like getting ridoff the feathers of a bird)  and painting himself?

I didn't like it so we decided to use a mask for him, like the kids ahahahahahahh.
btw, here's Bob with his work clothes

AND THAT'S IT!!!!  I love creating villians and Bob was one of my favorites to redesign!!

Cya next time!! I don't know what I will talk about lol, bye bye!!!




Question,is Dexter the sin wrath? Because in episode 4 he slowly becomes more and more inraged and insane so I guess it could make sense.


I'm thinking Moloch would be wrath and Dexter would be lust (but in the sense of bloodlust,, his last name 'Erotoph' is a shortened version of the word 'erotophonophilia' which is a term that refers to a person that derives pleasure from murder). I also like to think the cult represents greed and Evermore may be a potential future antagonist that represents pride.