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Hi Hi!!!
Today I was going to copy and paste stuff from the Thread in twitter, BUT! Just found some doodles I made for references, lipsync and Brain storming while we were making it!

Quick Doodle of the Happy Fella

I rememeber drawing this one as a test on how it will look 

Happy Fella  street

I was explaining to someone how he will look running away from the Theater 

Dexter without mask

Telling people how to draw  Dexter without his mas (this is outdated btw!)

Fridge drawings

The drawings I wanted it on the fridge: 

-Moloch with "Adios" text
-Happy Fella with a cat
-FNF reference 

Characters expressions and lipsync

A bunch of expressions I made for the animator who was drawing Susie, showing how Dexter's teeth work and lipsyc:

Extra doodles

-I showed this one before, but never talked about it, we were thinking on how this scene will work, so drew this to show them how I imagened it!

We didn't know how to do this shot,  I had the idea with the camera showing the oven, but one of the animators said "What if we out the camera inside the oven" , and I loved that so much!!

Soo at this time the control in produccion was a mess because I didn't know how to do it. Back then I just asked people how much they had done. DON'T DO THIS PLEASE!!!! There is a better way to do this stuff!! but yeah!!

I showed this doodle (without Dexter) on twitter when we completed everything! 

AND THAT'S IT!!! Next week I will post something from the twitter thread and then show you some animatic/thumbnail shots from back then, they are pretty funny, here's a screen shot of one shot I drew back in the day! 

Cya next  week!



I just love how Happy Fella's eyes go over his mouth, peak character design


When will there be sm5 behind the scenes content?