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Back when I made the Twitter Thread for this episode , I only showed 9 pictures of this episode... BUT NOW I AM SHOWING ALL OF THEM!!!... well the ones I have ahah!
(sorry for the red square btw! I forgot to delete it)

This is what I said about the storyboard!

"This time I started way early, but I was confused with the idea. At the begining it was normal weather, no winter, and I remember how people were confused with UG, so I tried to make conect with every character, like a "hot potato" game. Here's some of the Story board ideas.

The first idea for the ending was the kids watching the Happy Fella cartoon, and the Police watching the news, but that would be a problem with the NG endign (no comedy, more tension) and the next episode."

When I was making the episode I remember I wanted the police to be more involved, like in childs play movie, but at the end I decided to make a friend for Lila, Jaune!!
It was confusing to make it because I didn't want it to be as close to the movie but at the same time to be an ode to  it!
And something curious! I didn't know how to finish the secret ending, I just didn't wanted to left it in a clift hanger (I did it but a tiny one ahaha) so I decided to move that to the actual ending and just connect the endings with what happens in the episode! .

Next time I will talk about Deleted stuff!!! maybe I can show some old designs!  Cya next Wednesday!!




God i love the doodles so much they all look so silly /pos
