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Content Warning: Same old immobility themes and growing unhealthy as the story goes on. I know what you want, sick fuck. Now with a brief discussion of sexual assault and drinking before sexual activity. This story was really fun to write, and I know that this chapter is much more exciting.

Big Man on Campus | Mass Communication

Hayden opens the door to the apartment, finally home after a date with some guy named Bennett. Hayden wasn’t really feeling the date and only went to put himself out in the open as queer and available. The date probably was the worst Hayden ever went on. No one would believe him, but it’s not like it would work out with Bennett had it been a perfect first date; Hayden lusted after his roommate, who was helplessly in love with his girlfriend. After all, this is his third semester of college, and there are no signs of Ted breaking up with Ariana.

Hayden walks through the kitchen to the living room and startles Ted. The sight of Ted on the couch from the kitchen almost makes his nose bleed. “What the hell,” he gasps, finding Ted looking enormous and scantily clad.

Ted crumbles up an empty bag of chips and tries to stand up fast, but his bulk almost pulls him back to the couch cushion. Hayden finds Ted in only two articles of clothing. For his top, he wears a tight Green Bay Packers football jersey. His belly spills onto his lap out of the jersey when he leans back. His side rolls and love handles hang out over a green nasty pig jockstrap. Ted’s fat pad also peaks out from the front.

“I’m so sorry, Hayden! I thought no one would be home tonight because you were on a date and Jake went home to visit his family,” Ted apologizes profusely for how Hayden found him on the couch.

“Hey, man, it’s cool. I came home early. Don’t let me stop you. I mean not that you can’t put clothes on. More clothes, that is, but you don’t have to put on clothes. I mean, don’t get naked or anything, but I don’t see anything wrong with this. Enjoy your evening! I’m not going to bed, but what I actually mean is I’ll be awake. I’m just going to have a beer or two. Bad date,” Hayden says, blushing and getting flustered.

“Are you sure?” Ted asks.

“Yeah! So, uh, can I get you anything from the kitchen?” Hayden asks, opening the fridge.

“Hayden, are you trying to make me fat...ter?” Ted jokes, trying to break any tension in the room from Hayden finding him so exposed.

“What? No, of course not,” Hayden’s heart pounds, nervousness in his voice. That’s exactly what he’s trying to do. Is he too obvious these days?

“Relax, I’m just kidding,” Ted laughs. “I’ll take another beer and some of those cookies on the counter,” he requests. “I should probably go get changed, though.”

Hayden walks over to the sunken couch with two cans of beer and a package of cookies. “I told you, it’s totally fine. It’ll be our little secret.” Hayden gives the treats to Ted before he sits down. They both pop the tab on the can and start drinking.

“Do you think I’m too fat?” Ted asks shyly.

“Too fat? No. You’re just fluffy,” Hayden responds before taking a big sip.

“If you say so! Anyway, tell me about this bad date. You’re home very early. I’m assuming no action, huh?”

“You wouldn’t believe me if I told you what happened,” Hayden says.

“Try me,” Ted laughs between sipping his beer.

“Where do I start? Should I say it was the worst pizza I ever had? The kid who screamed while we tried to watch the movie at the theater? Nah, it’s bringing his dad on the date for me!”

“He did what!?” Ted squeals and bursts out laughing.

Hayden protests, “it’s not funny!”

“No, of course not! It’s just shocking. He was an adult, right? A full grown-ass adult?”

“Yeah, he explained that his dad was a helicopter parent. He took it way too far, so there will not be a second date, and I will not be getting laid tonight.” He didn’t even tell Ted the worst part of the date. Bennett turned out to be a twink who wanted to lose weight. Hayden thought he didn’t even look like he had any weight to lose. Hayden wants a big boy, like Ted.

“I’m really sorry your date flopped.”

“At least it’s over,” Hayden sighs. He looks at Ted’s live handles spilling out of his shirt. “Can I ask you a personal question without you getting offended?” Hayden changes the subject.

“If you have to ask me not to get offended, it’s probably too offensive, but I think our friendship is strong enough at this point.”

“Have you always been,” Hayden pauses. “Fat?”

“That’s not nearly as offensive to me as you might think.”


“I mean, it’s not a question you should just ask anyone, but I’m happy with my body. My parents were morbidly obese. If I had to guess, my mother was mid 500’s at one point, and my father was over 600. These are just estimates and weights I’ve overheard. It’s nothing specific. My grandmother lived with us, and she helped raise me. She spoiled me, always giving me junk food as a treat. We were a family that liked to eat for every occasion. As you know, I’m large and in charge. I’m fine with who I am.” Good! He has those fat boy genes with years and years of multiplying fat cells.

“Oh, yeah, I see,” Hayden responds. He takes another sip. He gets nervous about the conversation and excuses himself. “I need to go to the bathroom. I’ll be right back,” he says shyly before walking into his bedroom and then into the bathroom on the side. Hayden quickly uses the bathroom and washes his hands. Hayden composes himself and walks back into the living room. As he enters, his heart drops.

“Oh my god, what are you doing?” Hayden shouts, standing in his room's doorway, looking at Ted on the couch with Hayden’s phone in his hands.

“Hayden... I just wanted to leave a cute selfie in your camera roll for you to find.”

Hayden charges at Ted reaches for his phone. “Give it back!”

Hayden practically climbs onto Ted like a mountain. Ted laughs and pushes Hayden to the other side of the couch. “Hold on. You have a fat fetish!” Ted says, scrolling through Ted’s camera roll. “They are fucking huge!”

“I said give it back!” Hayden reaches for his phone again, but Ted moves the phone to his left hand, out of bounds for Hayden’s arm. Hayden blushes, and his heart pounds hard within his chest.

“These men... some of them are immobile! Oh my god!”

Hayden jumps onto Ted’s belly and grabs his right arm with both hands, and fling’s Hayden’s arm forward, causing Ted to drop the phone onto the floor in front of the couch. Hayden snatches it up.

“That’s private,” Hayden shouts, feeling sick to his stomach. Oh god. Ted knows now.

“Why are you so embarrassed to let me see your camera roll?”

“I...they’re all fat...really, really fat,” Hayden says with nervousness.

“I’m really fat,” says Ted. “Are you ashamed of liking fat boys like me?

“No! It’s just not normal,” says Hayden.

Ted gives Hayden a funny look. “So, guys like me don’t deserve to be worshiped and loved publicly because it’s not normal to like fat guys? Always someone’s dirty secret?”

“That’s not what I meant! How am I supposed to be chill about this when you said things like ‘oh my god’ and ‘they are so fat’ when I’ve never told anyone about this before? I promise I don’t find you disgusting.”

“How do I know for sure?” Ted rolls his eyes.

“You just saw my phone with guys who were anywhere between 600 and 1200 pounds. Also, if I were so disgusted by you, would I be doing everything for you and giving you all the treats you could ever want?”

“So, all this time you’ve been trying to fatten me up? I’ve gained 100 something pounds since I met you. Is that the only reason you’ve been nice to me? For eye candy?”

“No, Ted. I’ve been so nice to you because I like you. You’re smart and nerdy and the cutest person I’ve ever met. I’ve had a crush on you since the first day of our Psychology class!” Hayden blurts out.

“You want me?” Ted asks. “You’re not disgusted, and you’re not just using me?” Ted’s eyes narrow.

“No, absolutely not. You’re beautiful,” Hayden says nervously, admitting his feelings openly to the man he’s been after for two semesters.

The two men go silent in the awkward atmosphere for a moment. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said anything,” Hayden breaks the silence.

“Tell me more about your attraction to fat men.” Ted takes another swig of his beer.

“I don’t know what to say. I’ve always been this way. I knew I liked fat before I even knew I liked men. I assumed I just liked bellies before realizing that I liked how they looked on men, especially doughy guys with a jigglier figure. I’d google pictures of fat men and got excited to see big men on television or on vacation at the beach. What can I say? I’m a chubby chaser.”

“So is Ariana,” Ted says.

“That much is obvious. We have the same tendencies around you,” Hayden exhales, hiding his agony that they are still together. Jake said it wouldn’t last. He said it wouldn’t fucking last, damn it. “I’m sorry. I don’t mean to objectify you, and I know you have a girlfriend. I don’t mean to make this awkward,” Hayden informs Ted shyly.

“So, you really like fat guys then? Chubs and Superchubs who have weight problems? Guys who are anywhere from my size to guys who are bedridden and unhealthy, huh?”

“This is exactly why I didn’t tell you. I didn’t want to make this an embarrassing moment for me. When you put it like that, you make me sound evil and heartless. I’m trying to find a balance between fantasy and reality. I can’t explain why I’m like this. I’m just wired differently.”

“I’m not trying to embarrass you. I’m intrigued, and I’m just trying to understand it all. Can I ask more?”

“Why not? I’ve already exposed myself at this point,” Hayden moves his sitting position to one with his feet on the cushion, and his knees elevated. He curls up, wrapping his arms around his legs.

“Are you only a chubby chaser?”

“No, I can find many cis and trans men attractive. Skinny fem boys, gym bunnies, muscle chubs, superchubs, and the list goes on, but I will always prefer a huge belly.”

“That’s not what I meant.”

“What did you mean then?”

“Are you a chubby chaser and like big guys, or are you a feeder? Do you like looking at a fat guy, or do you want to feed him to make him get fatter for you?”

“Do you want an honest answer?” Hayden blushes bright red. He wishes he never left his phone where Ted could find it.

“That’s why I’m asking,” Ted says calmly.

“I’ve only done it a few times before...feed a guy, I mean. I enjoyed it, and I’d do it again,” Hayden says with some embarrassment sprinkled in his words.

“You’d do it again, but does it get you off?”

“Yeah, okay? I fucking cum so hard when I can feed a fat boy. I love everything about feederism. I hope that doesn’t make you afraid of me. Again, I want to clarify that I’m not trying to make you uncomfortable. Please don’t be upset with me,” Hayden’s eyes twinkle as if he’s about to cry. He looks down at the floor, but he feels a pudgy hand grab his shoulder.

“I’m wired a little differently too,” Ted exhales.

“What do you mean?” Hayden asks suspiciously.

“I think I’m a gainer,” Ted admits shyly.

“As in you like gaining weight and doing it on purpose?” The words slip from Hayden’s mouth, causing his heart to leap.

Ted admits his desires. “I...yeah...I think I’m a gainer. I excel at it naturally, but the more I think about it, the more it turns me on. I kind of want just to give this lifestyle a shot and see what happens. I know I’ll be judged for it, but I think it’s safe to say I can trust you with this secret considering everything.

“Are you serious?” Hayden tries to calm himself down, adjusting his tone to try to hide the excitement from his discovery. For a brief second, Hayden imagines blowing Ted up into a mattress sized man again.

“Nothing feels as good as eating. Mentally or physically. Eating myself into a food coma feels better than sex, although I do like sex. I love the way I feel bursting out of my clothes and holding my gut, struggling to lift it with both hands. I’m so warm and soft,” Ted describes the feeling like being fat is a drug. Hayden holds himself back from grabbing his friend’s belly. The urge to squeeze and feed him the pack of cookies feels overwhelming.

Hayden doesn’t know how to respond. “I’m getting so fucking fat,” Ted huffs. He places his hands on his round, expansive belly that peeks out of his shirt and briefly jiggles it. Hayden’s face burns red. “Go ahead. Touch it. I know you want to,” Ted says seductively, breathing heavily out of his nose. He pushed his belly out toward Hayden.

“Stop! You’re teasing me on purpose now,” Hayden shivers. Ted wastes no time and grabs Hayden’s hands and put them on his warm belly, causing Hayden’s eyes to widen. “What are you...” Ted interrupts Hayden by pulling him into his belly and leans him in for a kiss. Hayden kisses Ted back before breaking the kiss and pulling himself back, short of breath from the surprise.

Hayden doesn’t know how to react. Ted’s lips are so plump and soft. It felt as amazing as he thought it would, but he can’t help but dismiss the kiss.

“Stop...you’re...you’re drunk. You’re going to regret this in the morning,” Hayden says shyly, his heart racing.

“I’m hardly even tipsy. I’m not wasted. It’s just a little liquid luck. I want you, and I know you want me too, by the way your eyes light up when you watch me eat. I want you right now,” Ted licks his lips.

“I don’t want you to wake up and feel like I pressured you to do something because you’ve had a few beers,” Hayden reluctantly declines everything he’s wanted for the past two semesters.

“You’re not pressuring me. I give you my consent.”

“You can’t consent when you’re drunk, Ted. I don’t want to glamorize sex while drinking. I don’t want to take advantage of you.”

“I’m coherent, I’m communicating with you clearly, and I have a full grasp of what’s happening between us,” Ted replies.

“I’m serious,” Hayden whines.

“I’m serious too,” Ted pulls Hayden back into his lips.

“What about Ariana?” Hayden kisses him back but breaks the kiss to ask.

“She knows I’m bisexual, and I’m allowed one free night every once in a while. It’s our arrangement.”

“I-I...b-but...” Hayden stutters.

“Let’s go slow if it worries you. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy.”

Hayden runs out of excuses and gives in to his desire. After all, this is all he’s wanted for the past year. “Come to bed with me?” Hayden whines like a puppy. Ted thinks the whimper is adorable and rocks himself up from the couch. Hayden pulls Ted’s weight into his body and starts making out with Ted again. He reaches his hands around mid-kiss to grope Ted’s enormous ass between the elastic of the jockstrap. Their tongues wrestle as Hayden pulls Ted closer to his bedroom in a tango. Ted eventually breaks the kiss to pull himself up onto Hayden’s bed and leans back.

“Are you having fun?” Hayden checks in with Ted.

“I’m having so much fun,” Ted grins before biting his lip. “I need something from you, though,” he moans as Hayden takes off his red button up shirt.

“What’s that?” Hayden asks hesitantly.

“I need the cookies,” he moans again, making it clear that he wants food as much as he wants Hayden jumping his bones.

Hayden practically leaps back into the living room to collect the package of cookies on the black coffee table. He returns quickly with the box of cookies and ogles a now naked Ted. Hayden joins him by putting the package in the bed before discarding his clothes. Hayden’s heart pounds as he climbs his bed, his member throbs at the sight of Ted.

“God damn. You’re so hot. You have no idea how bad I’ve wanted to do this to you,” Hayden releases his unfiltered thoughts freely for the first time about Ted out loud.

Ted’s thick legs and thighs spread open to reveal a small member starting to be swallowed by a fupa. Both of Ted’s hands are on his stomach. Ted carries a lot of his weight in his lower belly, hips, and thighs. Hayden gets closer to Ted and puts his hands on Ted’s belly. Ted removed his own hands to give Hayden free range to his stomach and puts his hands around Ted’s lovingly. Hayden gives it a shake causing blubber to ripple from the bottom of his heavy gut up to his perky tits.

Then, Hayden grabs a cookie from the package and puts it directly into Ted’s mouth without warning. “Eat for me—gain weight for me, you fat fuck, Hayden murmurs crassly as Ted takes an enormous bite. Ted moans with each subsequent bite as the cookie gets crammed into his mouth and crumbs fall onto his chin.

“Do you want me to feed you while you take care of your little problem?” Hayden grins, looking at Ted’s small but hard cock. Ted can only shake his head in agreement with a mouth full of cookie. Hayden adjusts himself, straddling his lover’s thigh. Ted’s belly pushes out and pools over his thigh, where Hayden adjusts his cock to pulse on Ted’s stomach.

Hayden puts the box of cookies on Ted’s large chest and pushes his hand to get another sweet treat. He places a cookie up to Ted’s mouth, forcing it in his mouth. Ted starts pumping his hard-on a few times. Then, Hayden leans forward, one hand grabbing cookies to feed Ted while his other hand holds a handful of belly. Hayden bites his lower lip and finally thrusts his member into Ted’s fat rolls. The more fat he grabs and thrusts, the needier Ted gets with his cookie consumption. Hayden gets a little more forceful. His pace of thrusting increases as Ted strokes himself. Hayden particularly jams an entire cookie into Hayden’s mouth. All of the force of getting fucked relentlessly makes Ted’s engorged belly jiggle aggressively.

“I’m going to make you fucking enormous. I’ll feed you until you’re well over 600 pounds!” Hayden shouts.

The boys look at each other in the eyes. Hayden suddenly feels wrong for what he said. Ted’s face gets red, either from embarrassment or the increased speed of gobbling cookies. Hayden stops, thinking he’s hurt Ted either with his words or his force.

“I’m so sorry. I don’t know what came over me. That was too far, wasn’t it? Do you need a break? We should stop,” Hayden covers his face with embarrassment.

“Say it again,” Ted groans.

“We should stop,” Hayden blushes.

“No!” Ted shouts.

Hayden looks at Ted with confusion.“No?”

“I’m almost there. Say it again. Tell me how bad you're going to fuck me up,” Ted groans between cookies and stroking himself. Hayden grabs Ted’s plush thigh with his other hand, causing Ted to moan while he pushes another cookie into Ted’s mouth. Ted practically spasm. “Do you like this? Is this okay?” Hayden asks.

“It’s perfect! Now get verbal again,” Ted demands that turn into gasps. Is this getting him on? Hayden doesn’t want to miss the opportunity.

“I’ll feed you until you’re well over 600 pounds!”

“T-tell me..tell me how you really feel. I know you like them big! T-tell me how...ah... big you really w-want m-me! Ahhh, h-higher!” Ted pants.

Ted strokes himself much faster as Hayden humps his belly and pushes another cookie into the fat boy. “700...800 pounds. Oh god, you just can’t stop yourself, fat boy. You’re going to see 900 soon. Then, you’re going to be stuck in your bed at 1000 god damn pounds, and there’s nothing you can do about it. I’m going to feed and fuck you until this bed breaks, and the ambulance crew won’t know how to move you.”

Hayden releases Ted’s thigh and grabs his cock again to stroke with one hand, and feeds Ted with the other. Ted goes back to stroking himself.

“I’ll feed you until you’re well over 600 pounds!”

“T-tell me..tell me how you really feel. I know you like them big! Ahhh, h-higher!” Ted pants.

Ted strokes himself much faster as Hayden humps his belly and pushes another cookie into the fat boy. “700...800 pounds. Oh god, you just can’t stop yourself, fat boy. You’re going to see 900 soon. Then, you’re going to be stuck in your bed at 1000 god damn pounds, and there’s nothing you can do about it. I’m going to feed and fuck you until this bed breaks, and the ambulance crew won’t know how to move you.”

Hayden feels his knees tremble from his position and notices Ted’s breathing accelerate. “I’m gonna...I’m gonna,” Ted moans out, bursting and gushing into his hand before he can finish his last words. Seeing him in full-blown ecstasy and his fat covered in crumbs is enough to get Hayden off too. He releases his hot load over a low hanging part of Hayden’s gut. Hayden collapses on top of Ted’s body.

The two boys spend a minute catching their breath. Hayden’s not sure how to react. Did he really say something so fucked up to Ted during sex? Did Ted not care, or did he enjoy it? He seemed to enjoy it. What does it mean? Hayden pushes his thought to the back of his head. Hayden gently slides himself off his bed and goes to the bathroom to get a towel to clean up. He comes back into the room to clean his lover, who breathes heavily. The two are unsure what to do when their fun is over. Neither of the boys wants to think how their relationship might change now that they’ve had a taste of one another. Hayden snuggles up against Hayden’s big belly as they fall asleep together.

The next morning Ted wakes up in Hayden’s bed to the aroma of frying fat, making his stomach growl. Ted heaves his bulk out of Hayden’s bed and grunts as he bends over to pick up his jock and jersey. He quickly slips them on and opens the door to the living room to see Hayden in nothing but a pair of red Brazilian trunks hovering over the stove. Ted’s heavy footsteps alert Hayden the mammoth boy is awake and ready for a breakfast buffet.

“How did you sleep?” Hayden purrs the question.

“I slept okay,” Hayden mumbles. “What’s all this?” He glances at the spread on the table.

“Sit,” Hayden says excitedly, grabbing two plates the size of frisbees. He loads the first one up with biscuits, sausage, a few fried eggs, and steaming gravy on top. The second plate is a stack of chocolate chip pancakes smothered in powdered sugar, butter, and sticky syrup. Hayden slides the plate to Ted.

Ted does as Hayden asks and sits. He gets the hint and grabs his fork to pick up a massive piece of gravy coated sausage.“You’re in a good mood, huh?”

“I just thought maybe I could try a bit harder around here now that I know someone might appreciate my cooking. I always cook way too much for myself,” Hayden flirts.

“Can I get you some whole milk or a soda or something?” Hayden asks Ted.

“Surprise me,” he says reluctantly through a mouth full of food. Ted shovels in more of his breakfast quickly while Hayden pours him a glass of Coca-Cola.

“How is everything tasting?” Hayden asks, sitting down to his plate.

“Everything is fine. Thanks for cooking,” Ted says between bites of pancake.

“What’s wrong?” Hayden asks while watching Ted shovel food into his fat face.

“Can we talk about last night?”

“Shit, you regret it, don’t you? I told you that you would because you were drunk!” Hayden puts his hands on his head.

“I don’t regret being with you last night. I had a great time.”

“What is it then?”

“This. Breakfast. Pampering me. Last night was a one-time thing. Ariana is my girlfriend, and I don’t think you should be doing these things for me anymore now that we know the truth about each other,” Ted fidgets with his fork.

“Oh, so you don’t want any help gaining,” Hayden says with hidden disappointment.

“I don’t want to make this awkward or complicated. I think it could mess with Ariana to know it wasn’t a random lay, but instead someone I live with.”

“Oh, yeah. That’s cool. I get it. No big deal,” Hayden feels tears coming to his eyes. What did he expect? Ted was never going to leave his girlfriend, even after a night of fun. He should’ve known it was a one night stand. After all, Ted was open and honest about the arrangement. It was one night of fun.

“Are you okay, Hayden? I do care about you, and I don’t want to ruin our friendship. I’m glad we can just be bros, you know?”

“I’m okay,” Hayden’s voice cracks. “I need to get ready. I have to meet my mom at the mall today,” Hayden lies and makes his great escape to the bedroom. “Enjoy your breakfast,” he adds before slamming the door shut. Hayden runs to his bathroom and turns on the shower to make it sound like he’s getting ready. He ends up back in his bed, and he buries his face into his pillow to muffle his crying.



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