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Author’s Note: I don’t have any real notes for this one. I just wanted to continue to build tension. The next chapter is the turning point, and I’m incredibly excited from here.

Big Man on Campus | Athletic Conditioning

The basketball arena was massive and packed full of screaming students, alumni, faculty and staff, and random fans. “I want nachos and popcorn,” Ted shouts at Jake and Hayden as the group of friends heads through the noisy crowd past the ticket booth. Ted turns his head to look for a sign for the concession stand.

“We just had dinner before coming,” Jake shrugs and pulls the boys aside to a more quiet part of the room, at least so they could hear each other talk.

“I know, dude, but I’m hungry,” Ted pouts.

“There’s a concession stand over there! Just be quick; we are already late and I don’t want to miss any more of the game.”

“I’ll try,” Ted replies.

“Everyone will move, don’t worry. Just barrel your way, and people will make room for the enormous fat guy. No one wants to stand between a fat guy and his food,” Jake laughs, watching the crowd disperse as Ted walks closer to the concession stand. “I told him.”

Jake checks his phone, but Hayden bites his lip, looking at Ted’s wide ass walk away. As Jake said, the crowd moved swiftly out of his way, afraid to be steamrolled by blubber. Hayden notices Ted looks a little bigger this semester, but he’s not sure how much he weighs. If Hayden had to guess, Ted is probably in the neighborhood of 460s. After all, the last few months, Ted received extra help.

Thankfully Chadwick moved out of the apartment in December after finals. He decided to get a new apartment with his girlfriend, leaving a vacancy for Hayden to fill after his first semester. Ted was gaining weight before, but that’s when things started to spiral. Seeing Ariana with Ted was a small, hurtful price to pay to see his crush daily, and gaining weight at that. Hayden got so turned on seeing Ted struggle to do everyday things like walk without needing a break to catch his breath, struggling to get off the couch that continued to disintegrate under Ted’s mass, and even pick objects off the ground.

Whenever Ariana came around, she treated Ted like he was too big to do anything by himself. When Ariana wasn’t around, Hayden got the same sick thrill. Ted’s body swelled day by day with the power and influence between Ariana and Hayden. They made sure Ted ate breakfast, lunch, and dinner, with plenty of snacks throughout the day. Ted constantly filled himself with food, gaining approximately 10 pounds a month.

The best part to Hayden was that Ted acted happiest when he was stuffed and breathless by the end of the night. It’s like Ted fell into a haze every time he ate. The sheer volume of food impressed Hayden. He didn’t know anyone who ate an entire box of pop-tarts for breakfast before Ted. Ted even seemed happy to eat himself to immobility, but Hayden was pushing his fantasy on Ted. Even if Ted enjoyed his weight, would he be willing to go that far? Probably not, but if he did, it would most certainly be with his beloved Ariana. The thought made Hayden sad.

However, Hayden figured he should look on the bright side: He could keep pushing food on Ted with Ariana since she apparently didn’t care how big he got. He decided he’d keep enabling Ted either until he moves out and marries Ariana, or he gets too big to leave his bedroom. The idea of the latter gets him off at night when he’s in his bed ferociously masturbating to images his brain conjures of Ted piling on hundreds of pounds.

“When are you going to tell him?” Jake looks up from his phone.

“Tell him what?”

“Are you really going to play this game? Last semester you told me privately he was cute. I see the way you look at him. You give him the same attention he gives his food,” Jake grins.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Hayden attempts to ignore Jake’s accusations despite them being true.

“Seriously? The flirting. Doing everything for him. Bringing him his favorite Busy Bean drinks and donuts to his classes. The list goes on. You have a huge crush on him. Even if I didn’t know, you’ve been pretty obvious.”

Hayden blushes before saying, “You know I can’t tell him. I mean, if I were attracted to him, but he has Ariana.”

“She’s just a phase for him,” Jake sounds confident in his prediction.

“Someone’s sexual orientation is not a phase,” Hayden crosses his arms.

“I didn’t mean it like that. What I meant was Ariana only thinks about herself, and her personality makes me want to gag. I don’t think their relationship can take much more.”

“What do you mean?” Hayden starts to let his guard down.

“She’s always intruding on conversations, and she disappears all the time because she’s busy. I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s cheating on him. You two get along great. I’ve known Ted for a long time, and he needs something stable. It’s only a matter of time until he figures out they are only together because she’s a chubby chaser. It’s newish and exciting for him. He got with the first person who wanted to have sex with him. I don’t think there’s a lot of heart in their relationship. They are too different, and don’t tell me that opposites attract.”

“For a straight guy, I wasn’t expecting to hear an analysis of their romance.”

“Well, I’m just saying Ted deserves someone that cares about him. I hope you two get together soon.”

“Shhhh, he’s coming back,” Ted whispers.

Ted pounds his feet against the hard floor, his hips bouncing with each step. He has a large Pepsi and nachos in his hands. “Let’s go find our seats! My feet are starting to hurt,” he calls after us.

“Where is the popcorn?” Hayden asks.

“He said he’s popping a fresh batch soon, so I thought I’d get some later. Now let’s go. I seriously don’t want to stand up anymore.”

Jake leads the way to the seats in the arena. He chooses part of a row closer to the aisle, so Ted has more room to sprawl his bulk. Jake moves down a seat. “I’ll leave the one beside you open, and you can sit in the aisle seat, so we aren’t right up against you.”

“Are we going to be taking up too many seats if there is a big space between us?”

“Good point. I’ll sit beside you. I don’t mind if you’re on me a bit,” Hayden tells Ted, as he takes off his jacket and sits next to Jake.

“Are you sure?”

“It’s seriously fine!”

Hayden reaches out for Ted’s snacks, “let me hold those while you get comfortable in your seat.” Ted hands his nachos and soda and slowly sinks his fat ass closer to the seat. The armrests of the arena seat squeeze Ted’s ass as he tried to cram himself into the small square. He feels his ass spread. His love handles hang over the sides. The cold metal makes him shiver and jiggle.

“It looks a little snug. Are you going to be okay?” Hayden asks Ted, watching Ted’s belly spill forward in his lap and peek out from under his shirt. Hayden glances at Ted with lust, but Ted takes it as concern and embarrassment to be with him by the jaw-dropping look.

“It’s tight, but it will work. It’s just a few hours. Thick thighs, am I right?”

Hayden finishes the rest of the statement in his head: “save lives.” He hands the nachos and cup back to Ted. Ted sits the clear container on his belly like a shelf. Hayden admires Ted as he picks up several chips and dunks them in the cheese.

“Have you ever been to the World of Coca-Cola? The seats there are huge. Even a guy my size still has room in the seats. I bet they could fit someone 600 pounds.”

Hayden drapes his jacket in his lap to hide his erection. First, Ted can’t fit in the seat, and now he’s talking about seats large enough to hold someone the size of a baby elephant. Hayden feels his member pulse thinking about Ted filling up a double-wide, and then a triple-wide seat and guzzling soda. Why did he have to say that? “No, I’ve never been,” Hayden squeaks.

“You should go some time. They show you how it’s bottled with other cool attractions like a 3-D theater and pop culture gallery. They also let you sample all kinds of flavors, even ones you can’t buy in stores.”

“Yeah, sounds neat,” Hayden says nervously. “Do you go to these games often?” Hayden attempts to change topics.

“I’m not a big basketball fan, but I’m happy to be here with my best friends,” Ted responds after shoving a handful of nachos in his mouth. He sucks cheese sauce from his fingers.

“God damn it, those should be my fingers in his mouth,” Hayden thinks to himself quietly. Hayden only manages an audible “oh.”

“I prefer football. I’m not sure why. I guess it’s because of my childhood memories of tailgating and playing flag football at thanksgiving. My dad was very into Super Bowl parties. Maybe I just liked the food, ha!” Ted explains before shoving more nachos in his greedy mouth.

Hayden thinks back to when he first moved in and heard a strange noise in the kitchen. At the time, he peeked through a crack in his door to see Ted in a tight jersey and jockstrap raiding the cabinets at 3 am and taking back goodies to his bedroom. He jerked off to that image for two weeks.

A rumbling sound vibrates from Ted’s stomach. Hayden hears it even with the crowd and the squeaks of sneakers on the court. Jake is too focused on the game, watching intently and booing the other team. “Damn, I’m out of nachos.”

Hayden smiles at his friend,” I bet you could use something else to eat.”

“I don’t know what the hell is wrong with me. My appetite is out of control lately,” Ted laughs shyly.

“It’s okay! A big boy has got to eat,” Hayden flirts, but Ted takes the comment as normal conversation since Hayden often says things like that. He doesn’t realize how hot and bothered his consumption and the effects on his body make Hayden.

“I should probably get that popcorn now, but I’m afraid it’ll be difficult to get up and back in the seat later. I’ll just pick something up on the way home.”

“Non-sense. I mean, get something on the way home if you’re hungry, but you wouldn’t have to wait. Let me go get it for you,” Hayden offers. Jake was right. Hayden does everything for Ted. He probably does more for Ted than Ariana.

“I can’t let you do that,” Ted sighs.

“Why not?” Hayden demands an answer, wanting to watch Ted gorge himself in public.

“I’m a pig filling up this seat. My hips and thighs are wedged, so I can’t get my wallet to give you the money, not my phone to Venmo you.”

“Don’t worry about it, big guy. It’s my treat,” Hayden jumps up out of his seat, brushing his muscles against the side of Ted’s overhang, and brushes his thighs against Ted’s belly, spilling forward to get to the aisle. “Be right back.”

As soon as Hayden makes it to the concession counter, he’s greeted by a worker. “Good evening. What can I get for you?” the concession worker asks with a neutral tone.

”Hmm,” Hayden studies the menu. “I will take four hotdogs, a package of that cotton candy, and a bag of popcorn, please,” Hayden tells the worker.

“Oh, it sounds like you’re having a party while you’re here tonight.”

“Yeah, something like that,” Hayden grins, thinking about how all the food is for Ted. Hayden knows Ted just had dinner and then nachos, but he also loves the high look Ted gets when he mindlessly eats. He does it for hours. Hayden almost thinks Ted is happiest when he is stuffed and bloated to the brim.

“Your total is $11.13. Swipe your card when ready,” the concession worker turns around to get the order.

Hayden swipes his debit card and grabs the bag full of food he ordered. “Thanks,” he says before walking back to the seats.

When Hayden gets back to his friends, his heart sinks seeing the bane of his existence: the skinny girl with wavy dark hair and signature red lipstick named Ariana occupies his seat. “Why the fuck is she here?” Hayden thinks to himself, giving her a fake smile. “Hey, there, Ariana,” he tries to be friendly.

“Hi, Hayden! How’re you this evening?”

“I’m doing fine. Glad to be out with the boys this evening.” Hayden notices Jake roll his eyes. “I was up getting some concessions for us,” Hayden continues, knowing full and well this is just going to be a snack for Ted, and only Ted.

“Oh, did I take your seat?” she asks.

“Yeah, but it’s fine. I can find somewhere else to sit,” Hayden’s face turns red.

“I told you it was his seat,” Jake tells Ariana.

“Don’t worry. I’m leaving anyway. I just saw my precious Teddy over here and wanted to say hi. I brought him a few hot dogs from the concession stand, but I respect this boy's night or whatever primal ritual you guys need. I’m here with my friends anyway,” she says, almost like she’s trying to be annoying. Ariana stands up and walks around Ted’s belly before leaning forward and giving him a quick peck on the cheek. Hayden notices Ted is chewing on one of the hotdogs.

“I’ll call you later, and maybe you can come over if you’re up for it,” Ted tells Ariana.

“Sure thing, babe. See you later,” she says with a quick jiggle of his belly with her petite hand.

Hayden makes his way back to his seat. “Sorry, I got you a few things, but I don’t know if you want them, he tells Ted trying to disguise the frustration in his voice.

“Hayden, please don’t be mad. I didn’t know she was going to be here,” Ted starts to apologize.

“There’s nothing to be sorry about. I’m not mad. Why would I be mad? She’s your girlfriend, trying to do a nice thing for you, and she was only in my seat for a minute.”

“I know, but I made you get up, and I don’t want to look ungrateful. For what it’s worth, it was really sweet of you to go get more food for me, and I’ll eat everything you brought me, even if it makes me fat,” Ted jokes.

“You’re already really fat,” Jake snorts.

“Well, at least she likes my growing tummy,” Ted chuckles, patting the top of his stomach.

“Here,” Hayden says with a hint of sadness, handing Ted his food. “This is stupid. Why am I getting so upset? I know they are together,” Hayden tells himself.

“Hayden, I really do appreciate it,” Ted’s pudgy hands reach for one of the hotdogs Hayden purchased.

”No problem, ” Hayden says.

”Are you sure you're not mad at me for some reason?”

”I'm not mad. I'm just tired, but I’m here and ready to have a good time. Let's watch the game.”

Hayden becomes uncomfortably silent during the game, thinking about their relationship as he watches Ted eat every bite of the snacks. His heart breaks again, just like every time Ariana interrupts their time together.  It’s not fair. Ted is Hayden’s dream man, someone he’d do anything to be with and protect. Ted’s love is wasted on Ariana, a girl who won’t even hang out with her boyfriend for extended amounts of time. He deserves better. “Fuck this shit. I know how to treat him right, and I’m going to make him mine,” Hayden thinks to himself, watching the game with his arms crossed.

When the final buzzer goes off, and the game ends, Hayden and Jake stand up. Ted tried to stand up, but his sides are caught between the handles, pulling him back down.

“Can I get a little help?” he blushes.

“Stuck?” Hayden asks.

“Yeah, I guess so.”

Hayden grabs onto Ted’s left arm. “In the count of three. One...two...three,” Hayden says, pulling Ted while Ted tries to stand up, but his hips continue to push against the frame.

“Need some butter?” Jake jokes.

“Jake, jump over the chair and get on his other side,” Hayden commands Jake. Jake does what he is told and gets on Ted’s other side. Together the two boys grunt and pull Ted up, releasing his thighs and ass from the seat. A ripping sound comes from the seams of Ted’s sweatpants.

“What was that?”

Jake bursts out laughing. “Uh, Ted? You ripped your pants!”

“Oh my god. Is it bad?” Ted’s face becomes red with embarrassment.

“Yes!” Jake continues to laugh.

“What am I going to do?” Ted puts his hands on his face and sighs.

Hayden thinks quickly on his feet. He pulls his jacket out of his chair and stretches it over Ted’s massive ass. He takes the sleeve and wraps it around Ted like a mawashi, and makes a tight knot around Ted’s waist to help cover the newly formed hole on Ted’s butt. The shirt is tight and hardly long enough to keep him covered.

“Thanks! We need to get out of here quick,” Ted shyly says, shuffling his way to the front of the building.

“Hey, Ted?” Hayden gets Ted’s attention.


“I’m getting kind of hungry myself. Do you want to get McDonald’s on the way home?”

“I thought you’d never ask,” Ted says, excited for a second dinner, even after all his snacks. Hayden is going to make Ted massive.



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