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Author’s Note: I thought of this story as a prequel to Bad Habits. Many people were on board with the theme but wanted me to leave Bad Habits alone. I want to write this story regardless of who the characters are, so this is my compromise. The story is set up to be eight chapters, each a semester in college leading from freshman year to graduation. Meet Hayden, Ted, and the rest of the crew.

Big Man on Campus | Sigmund Fried

It’s 4:30 pm on a Friday afternoon. The buzz of college students getting out of their final class and ready to party through the weekend energizes the campus. However, Hayden still needs to make it to The Busy Bean coffee shop in the campus library to outline a mid-term project with a classmate for COMM 115. Business Communication isn’t Hayden’s cup of tea, but the class counts as a general education requirement and fit perfectly in his schedule. Working on a project for a class he doesn’t care about on a Friday afternoon is less than ideal for Hayden, but Jake works as a part-time golf caddy on the weekends.

Hayden wouldn’t call Jake Jones a friend, but they got along well enough in class and got to know each other in the last six weeks of the semester. Through classroom icebreaker activities, Hayden learned that Jake is adventurous and has an affinity for sports. Jake loves to travel, ride roller coasters, and studies Business Administration. Physically, Jacob is in pretty good shape. He is tall with light skin, blonde hair, and blue eyes.

Hayden walks down the street toward the coffee shop’s entrance. He edges closer and closer when he notices a familiar stranger from his PSYC 100 class going into the coffee shop. Hayden’s heart leaps out of his chest every time he sees the adorable young man. It wasn’t the glimmering brown eyes or the scruffy styled brown hair that makes Hayden melt. Instead, it’s his chubby cheeks, the belly grazing against his upper thighs, and chubby cheeks that stayed a tinted pink. Hayden’s favorite part of his classmate was his huge, voluptuous tits. He looked like he had a weight problem in high school he tried to control, but in college, he just stopped giving a shit. For a chubby chaser and feeder, like Hayden, he could only imagine how big this young man could get before graduation, especially because the plump student ate chips and chocolate bars in class.

Hayden speeds up his pace toward the door in hopes he’ll see more eye candy. In a matter of seconds, Hayden swings open the coffee shop door, looking for his prize. Hayden looks around the shop frantically until he notices the hefty student walk into the library through the coffee shop entrance. “Damn,” Hayden says under his breath.

“Over here, Hayden,” comes a voice from the corner of the semi-empty space. Hayden turns around and walks over toward his project partner.

“Hey, Jake. Sorry, I’m a little late,” Hayden apologizes.

“No worries, you’re only late by two minutes. I think I’ll survive. Besides, it gave me a chance to get a cup of coffee.”

Hayden sits down and pulls his laptop out of his backpack. “Write a one-page memo in which you propose a team-based Business Report Project,” Hayden reads the prompt.

The pair brainstorm ideas, creating an outline, and scrapping the ideas that they believe don’t make sense or they disagree on until they find common ground. After an hour, Hayden nudges Jake, feeling his back seize up from being hunched over. “I think we are done,” says Jake.

“Yeah, I think so too,” Hayden replies closing his laptop. Hayden unzips his backpack, puts his computer inside, and closes the bag. Then, he looks up at the bar to see his fat crush waiting on a drink. “He’s so hot,” Hayden gasps.

“Who? The barista? I’m straight, but I guess I could see why you might find him cute,” Jake laughs.

“No, I said hot, and I meant the big guy over there. Red shirt,” Hayden whispers to prevent anyone else from overheating him.

Jake laughs again. “No way, dude.”

“Why? Is it because he’s fat?” asks Hayden, who is now flustered.

“Hey, Ted!,” Jake yells over toward the man. Ted looks at Jake. He smiles waves at the two boys.

“You know him?” Hayden whispers with shock.

“He’s one of my housemates,” Jake smiles at Hayden.

“You can’t tell him that I said he’s hot!”

The barista hands Ted an enormous plastic cup that looks like it contains a milkshake. Ted thanks the barista and walks toward the study group of two. Hayden soaks in Ted’s body as it moves. Ted’s breasts bounce, his belly wobbles against his upper thighs, and his side rolls slope and slide atop his love handles.

“Hey, Jake. I’m ready to leave now whenever you are but take your time. I appreciate the lift to campus. I’m going to go sit down and watch Netflix on my phone with headphones,” Ted informs Jake.

“Don’t worry about that, Ted. We just finished our project. Oh, Ted, meet Hayden,” Jake gestures toward his project partner.

“Hi, Hayden. I’m Theodore, but everyone calls me Ted,” Ted pleasantly offers his hand out for a handshake. Hayden blushes and shakes Ted’s hand, his eyes glued to Ted’s clothes, clinging to his body and accentuating his blubber. “Don’t I know you from somewhere?”

Ted takes a sip of his drink. “We are in Dr.Birch’s Intro to Psych class together on Tuesday and Thursday,”

“Oh, right. I sit in the back because I’m always late coming from the dining hall. It’s also helpful to be closer to the vending machines in case I need a snack,” Ted glows cheerfully. “How do you think you did on the quiz?”

“It was challenging with the anatomy and physiology of the brain. I know it’s basic, but it’s not really my thing. I was kind of hoping to get a glimpse of sexuality in that class without having to take psychology of sexuality. I’m doing my best because it’s a general education requirement for me.”

“Let me know if you need some help with the class. I feel very prepared, and my grade is still an A according to the grades posted in Blackboard,” Ted offers.

“Oh, so you’re really good at social and behavioral stuff, then?”

“I’m a second-semester liberal studies major, which requires me to pick two minors and a concentration. My minors are psychology and sociology, and my concentration is cultural studies.”

“That’s awesome. I’ll take you up on that if I find my grade slipping and need a tutor,” the thought of spending time with Ted makes Hayden’s heart pound.

“Look at us, we are in the same class, and you’re taking a class with Jake. Hayden, you should come hang out with us tonight. We were yet going to eat pizza and play video games. I’m sure we’ll be the best of friends,” Ted says with excitement. Jake nods in approval.

“I really shouldn’t,” Hayden puts his backpack in his lap.

“What would you do otherwise? Sit around alone in your residence hall?” Jake interjects.

“Fine, fine. You’re right. Thanks for the offer.” Hayden just wants to watch Ted eat.

Hayden and Jake rise from their seated positions. “Great, I’ll drive you, and I can either take you home or you can Uber when you're ready to leave. I parked on the street.” The three boys walk out of the coffee shop. They stroll in awkward silence until they reach Jake’s silver Kia Soul.

Ted blushes and shyly asks, “Can I sit up front? I know you’re the guest, but I’m a big guy, and the extra space would help me out.”

“I’m a guest, please don’t inconvenience yourself. I’m just grateful you’re so nice to invite me over,” Hayden responds.

The trio gets into the car and fastens their seat belts. Then, Jake starts the car, backs out of the spot, and heads for the apartment complex. Ted continues to drink his concoction from The Busy Bean. “May I ask what that is, Ted? I’ve never seen that on the menu before,” Hayden asks curiously.

“Oh, this? It’s called Oreo Bean Extreme Blast. It’s like a milkshake but with a double shot of espresso somewhere inside.”

“Those things are so bad for you,” Jake says with amusement, looking in his rearview mirror.

“I’m here for a good time, not a long time,” Ted laughs.

God, why is Ted so adorable? Finally, Jake pulls into the parking lot of the complex. “It’s on the first floor because Ted can’t be bothered to walk up a set of stairs,” Jake teases.

Ted gets flustered, “I’m sorry, I get hot and sweaty and out of breath.”

Once inside, Hayden takes off his shoes at the door to be polite. The apartment’s interior is fairly nice for its smaller size and a bit cluttered due to the occupants. The entrance leads directly into the open kitchen and living room. The kitchen is small but had everything they needed: counter space, a stove, a microwave, a fridge, and a sink full of dishes. The living room has a couch for three with a noticeable divot in the middle, an armchair, and a big television with tangled cords for various game systems.

Ted throws away his empty drink cup in the garbages. “Sorry for the mess. I would’ve cleaned more if I knew we were having company,” Jake apologizes.

“Straight boys,” Hayden gives a fake eye roll before laughing.

“I’m the only straight one here. What’s his excuse?” Jake smiles.

“You can’t just out people like that!” Ted warned Jake.

“I’m sorry, but I thought it might give you something else in common.”

The boys walk over to the couch. Ted plops down onto the sofa in his obvious usual spot. Jake moves over to the armchair and sits down. That leaves a place on either side of Ted for a seat. Hayden sits on Ted’s right side, but as soon as he plops down, he slightly slides down into Ted’s vast body.

“Sorry. I don’t mean to be in your personal space,” Hayden apologizes to Ted.

“It happens quite often. Don’t worry about it. If you hang with us, you’ll get used to it. I’m a big guy and take up a lot of space,” Ted says while putting his right arm around Hayden. Hayden blushes. His heart thumps more in his chest at the mercy of Ted’s body, pushing against his own.

“I’ll create the order,” Jake informs the other two, pulling his laptop out of his bag. “What kind of pizza toppings do you like, Hayden?”

Hayden gets flustered. “I eat pizza. Anything actually. I just...I don’t...I won’t eat that much of it...I’m on a diet.”

“No way. You’re the fittest one here. You can splurge and eat some pizza with us,” Ted interrupts, causing Hayden to blush.

“It’s settled, I’ll order extra, and I’m sure whatever we don’t eat, Ted won’t have a problem eating, will you, big guy?”

Jake places an order without consulting the group further. Hayden tries to pull out his wallet from his pocket. His hand grazes along Ted’s fat rolls and enormous thigh. “Sorry,” he breathes heavily, pulling the wallet from his pants. “How much do I owe you?”

“Honestly, nothing. Ted would eat this much pizza on his own anyway. It’s our treat to a new friend,” Jake laughs.

The door flings open behind the group with force. “Where is it?” a girlish voice shouts. A young woman runs through the living room without paying attention to the group on the couch. She makes it to the bedroom at the left corner, goes in, and closes the door.

“Who is that?” Hayden curiously asks, unsure of what just happened.

“That’s Ariana,” Jake rolls his eyes.

“It looks like your apartment has three rooms. Is that your other roommate?”

“Chadwick is our other roommate. He pays rent, but he’s never here anymore. His room is more of a storage space because he cohabits with his girlfriend, Alice,” Ted explains.

Ariana opens the door again and walks out, appearing calmer. Hayden gets a better glance at her. She is average-height with olive skin, dark, wavy hair, and green eyes. “I can’t stay long. Ariana can’t weigh more than one hundred pounds. “Apparently, my student ID fell out of my backpack when I stayed here last night, but I found it now,” she says to the group. “Oh, that’s not Chadwick!” Ariana explains.

“Hi, I’m Ariana Velasquez. I don’t think we’ve met before,” she introduces herself.

“Nice to meet you. I’m Hayden. I take classes with Ted and Jake,” Hayden replies awkwardly.

“That’s awesome. I’m working on a Bachelor of Fine Arts. I like 2D design like drawing and photography. I’d love to hear more about you, but I’ve got to go. Maybe I’ll see you around,” Ariana tells Hayden. She turns around to Ted. “De’Coriyanna is sick and asked me to cover her desk shift after mine at Gafford Hall. I’m going to just sleep on campus in my own hall tonight because it’ll be late. Have a great boys night,” she tells Ted before kissing him on the lips.

Hayden freezes, unsure how to process what just happened. His face falls blank as his heart breaks. He created several fantasies about being with Ted before he even knew Ted’s name, and Ariana stands before him, burning them all to ashes. Hayden swallows and holds back tears. He asks himself why he ever thought Ted would be with him anyway. Jake said Ted is queer, but he has a girlfriend meaning he could fall anywhere on the spectrum. Ted might not even want a relationship with a man.

“Alright, I’ll talk to you tomorrow,” Ted tells Ariana as she heads out the door.

Jake makes sure to hear the click of the door shutting before commenting. "When are you going to dump Ariana?”

“Why do you always ask that?” Ted frowns and groans.

Jake pushes back, “I figure if I keep annoying you about it, you’ll realize she’s not the one for you.” Jake pushes. Hayden remains quiet but intrigued by the conversation.

“You really should be nicer to her,” Ted sighs.

“I am nice to her! Listen, man. I don’t want to upset you. I don’t mean any harm, but you don’t have to date her just because she’s into big guys. I’m sure there are plenty of people who would love you for your personality and your size or kink or whatever.” Hayden’s eats perk up. Kink? What kink?

“Stop, Jake! We have company. My sexuality, including my kinks and who I date, is none of your business.”

“Fine, But all I want is to see you so in love with someone you look at them like you look at food,” Jake looks at the two men on the couch. Hayden feels Jake’s sly gaze. Does Jake think Ted should dump Ariana and get with him instead? He tries to push the thought in the back of his head. After all, Ted wants to be with Ariana.

“Sorry, you’re in the middle of all this,” Ted tells Hayden.

“It’s nothing,” Hayden says before there is a loud knock on the door. “Is that...? That was fast.”

Jake gets up from the chair and walks toward the door. “Saved by pizza. We live close to a pizza place,” he says before opening the door. He pays the delivery driver and puts the pizza on the counter before opening the cabinet and reaching for the plates.

Ted huffs, moving his arm from around Hayden. He puts both his hands for knees and braces himself. “Are you okay?” Hayden asks.

“I’m just a bit big for the couch. It kind of sucks me in and makes it hard for me to get up since my weight crushed the middle seat. I’ll be able to get up in just a minute. It’s not that bad,” Ted’s breathing gets heavier.

“Sit back and relax. Let me bring you the pizza,” offers Hayden.

“Are you sure? I don’t want to inconvenience you.”

“It’s seriously fine. You said it yourself: I’m a guest. Let me return the favor of you inviting me over,” Hayden gets up from the couch and walks over toward Jake.

“Ariana does that for him too,” Jake says under his breath.

“What was that?” Hayden asks, unsure he heard Jake right.

“The extra-large, meat lovers pizza is Ted’s. Don’t worry about the plate; just give him the box. I got you a medium pepperoni. I’ll bring you a plate with mine.”

Hayden picks up the box and notices it’s dripping with grease. He carefully carries the box over to Ted, who greedily pulls it from Hayden’s hand and flips the top open. His pudgy hands pick up a slice of pizza. Hayden swears he sees Ted’s eyes roll into the back of his head as he moans out, “This is always the best when I’m starving.”

“Can I get you two a drink?” Jake asks, setting his plate of pizza on the coffee table and hands the other plate to Hayden.

“Can you bring me the unopened two-liter bottle of Coke?”

“I’ll just have water, please. Tap is fine,” Hayden responds, assuming that at least Ted isn’t the type to buy bottled water.

“So, Hayden, what kind of video games do you like?”

“I don’t really play games. I don’t have a game system, but I learn quickly. I’ll trust you to pick out one we can all play,” Hayden responds nervously before taking a small bite from his pizza.

Jake brings Ted his enormous soda and Hayden his glass of water. Hayden looks over at Ted’s pizza, and a fourth of it is already gone. “How?” he thinks. Then, he witnesses Ted open the bottle of coke and put it up to his lips. He chugs a fourth of the bottle in a matter of seconds before going back to his pizza.

“We can try Mario Kart,” Ted suggests between bites. Hayden agrees. The three play games and eat pizza for about two hours. Ted packs the pizza away between races. He finishes his own and asks Hayden if he is going to finish his. Hayden smiles and lets Ted have the pizza, wanting the calories to stick to his body.

Eventually, Ted groans. “Damn, it’s so hot in here.”

“We can turn the fan on,” Jake suggests, flipping a switch on the wall.

“Yeah, but I’m burning up right now. I’m taking my shirt off,” Ted says, pulling off his shirt to reveal deep rolls of blubber hanging off his body. His red and purple stretch marks pop against his pale skin, many looking new. The freshman 50 struck Ted. Hayden feels an erection growing in his pants.

“Can I use the restroom?” Hayden blurts out.

“You can use mine. Each bedroom has a bathroom. You saw Ariana go in, so you know where it is,” Ted informs Hayden.

Hayden jumps up, and speed walks to Hayden’s bedroom. It’s about what he’d expect for a fat guy: plus size clothes on the ground and a trash can overflowing with wrappers. Hayden opens the door to the bathroom, which is surprisingly clean. He turns in the faucet and slaps cold water on his face. “Damn it,” Hayden breathes, “I need him so bad.” Hayden takes another minute to try to compose himself, but his erection won’t go away. He can’t just jerk off in his crush’s bathroom. He takes another four minutes to calm himself before going back into the bedroom, hoping no one will notice how hot he is for Ted.

Hayden’s eyes grow huge. He was only gone for five minutes, but he returns to Jake doing a few laps on his own and Ted on the sofa digging into a take-out carton of Chinese food with a pair of chopsticks. He looks up at Ted and asks, “do you want some?”

“No, but thank you. We just ate two hours ago, tubs,” Hayden teases. Did he just call Ted “tubs?” He freezes, “I didn’t mean to call you that.”

“It’s cool. I wanted more, so I ordered in the middle of rounds of our game,” Ted responds sheepishly, pulling more noodles with his chopstick. He fits as many as he can in his mouth before chewing. One noodle falls on his bare chest. He picks it up and pops it into his mouth. He eventually swallows before going for more. “After all, a big boy has to eat.”

Hayden sits down, trying to control himself and hide his growing erection again. Why does Ted eat so much? It’s like he’s trying to tease Hayden. God, why does he have a girlfriend? Hayden pretends to watch Jake play the game, but in his peripheral vision, he watches Ted gorge himself again.

Over the next hour, he sits on the couch, watching Ted eat himself through at least $20 worth of take-out. His puffy hands grab chicken wings, fried wontons, and fortune cookies. Hayden found himself particularly interested in how Ted handled himself around an egg roll. He groped it like a cock and stuffed it down his throat like a seasoned porn star. It gave Hayden chills.

As impressed as he was, hours later, Hayden’s eyelids get heavy, and he silently yawns, trying to use the controller. His character veers to the corner of the track. He forces himself to become alert again, but in a matter of minutes, Hayden fails to control his character. He’s not used to staying up past 10:00 pm. Hayden dozes off for just a second. The next thing he knows, Ted is towering over him and gently prodding him, still shirtless. “C’mon, you can't sleep like that,” Ted smiles.

Hayden groans. “Enjoy your rest, sleeping beauty?”

Hayden realizes he’s still at Ted and Jake’s apartment. “Oh my god! I’m so sorry! I don’t know why I fell asleep. How long was I out?” Hayden jumps up.

“Not too long. Only about an hour. I think we’re done playing, so Jake is turning in for the night. I think this week has kicked everyone’s ass trying to make sure everything is good to go with midterms.”

“Right. Thanks for having me over. I’ll call an Uber,” Hayden pulls his phone out of his pocket.

“You can stay tonight if you want. We can drop you off tomorrow, so you don’t have to pay for a ride.

“I don’t want to be any trouble.”

“You won’t be any trouble. You’re our friend now. We’re going to take care of you like we do all of our friends,” Ted’s goofy grin is cute to Hayden.

“Alright, if you have a spare blanket, I can sleep on the couch,” Hayden says shyly.

“You’re not sleeping on the couch. Come to my room,” Ted encourages, causing Hayden to follow him.

“Seriously, you’ve done enough,” Hayden says awkwardly, but his heart secretly leaps, thinking about sleeping in the same bed with his enormous crush.

“Non-sense. Get comfortable. You’ll kill me in the morning if I allow you to sleep in jeans.”

“Are you sure you won’t be uncomfortable?” Hayden asks shyly.

“Nah. I’m queer, remember? I don’t play that macho ‘that’s gay’ game. When I get to know someone, I care about them, and I want to make them feel comfortable. Now, in a platonic way, take off your damn pants and get in my bed,” Ted jokes.

“You don’t have to tell me twice,” Hayden jokes back, wishing Ted wasn’t joking in a platonic way. Hayden gets into bed, followed by Ted. Just like on the couch, Ted’s body pulls Hayden him from the divot his body causes. Ted pulls the cover over both of them as his body heat radiates to Hayden, his soft flab against Hayden’s fit body. Hayden draws a deep breath and lets out a cute, soft moan as he closes his eyes and a smile curls on his lips.



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