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Patreon has been acting up all day, but here we go. August 1st and 11:37 EST, but I still made it.

Bad Habits - Sneak Peek

Chapter 16: FATal Attraction

Josh sighs. “I was surfing through channels last night and found a rerun of the show America’s Fattest Fucks. The episode was from an older season and had a guy named Ian Ham. His boyfriend, Forrest, didn’t care about Ian’s mobility or health. The poor guy died after weighing about 1200 pounds if I remember correctly,” Josh takes another puff of his cigarette. He pauses, knowing the gravity of what he wants to ask. He almost doesn’t, but he forces himself to ask. “Dylan, Oliver is much bigger than that, isn’t he?”

Dylan sips his beer. “I’d say he’s probably around that size. Oliver might be a little smaller. Why do you care so much?” Dylan inquires, knowing Oliver weighs more than the number Josh suggested with his special diet.

“Despite everything, he’s my best friend. I don’t want him to die.”

“Are you sure there’s not another reason? Are you jealous that he chose me over diets, over exercises, and over...” Dylan hesitates before saying, “you.”

“No! It’s not like that! He’s just my friend. My best friend,” Josh blushes with embarrassment. “I’ve watched him kill himself for the past seven years with you. I care about him too much! I know you don’t want your husband to die either. This has to end now!”

“Do you think that a half-ton young man is going to lose weight? How do you expect him to willingly give up all his favorite foods for medical help that no one wants to give him? What if he loves his current life?”

“There’s got to be someone out there who can save him. I don’t think we’ve tried everything yet. I don’t think you’ve been the most supportive husband,” Josh hints that he’s tired of the games.

“Dr. Montgomery already wrote him off. One of the world’s most renowned bariatric surgeons didn’t give a fuck about him,” Dylan makes an excuse, hoping the conversation will end. He will not let Oliver lose weight, let alone entertain the thought. 

“There must be some diet that makes him feel full, some weight loss drug, a doctor willing to perform surgery as a last-ditch effort, or something,” Josh suggests before putting the cigarette back up to his lips.

“Oliver is happy. I wish you’d stop trying to take that away from him,” Dylan growls.

Josh exhales smoke. “I don’t know why you’re so resistant to helping him. Don’t you love him?”

“I do love him, but weight loss is not something he wants or needs to be happy,” Dylan tells his brothers firmly. 

“Cut the shit. You want him like this. You don’t care if he dies as long as you get off. It’s your fault why he is like this. He thinks this is love. It’s abuse.”

“He loves me, and he loves food. Why are you like this? What are you getting at here?”

“We both know that I know about your dark fetish. Promise me you’re not doing this to Oliver on purpose. Promise me you’re not going to kill him. Promise me you’re going to do better. He’s your husband, and he needs serious help and a support system, Dylan. This has gone too far. Shit, it was too far over 1,000 pounds ago. It’s time we stand together and have a real intervention with him,” Josh’s eyes water, but he wipes the forming tears with the sleeve of his shirt.

Dylan is tired of being accurately accused of his sins. He says the only thing that comes to mind. “It’s a little late for me to promise all of that, huh?” Dylan gives a sly grin. 


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