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Crumb Dumpster: Cookies and Cream

The question catches Nate off guard. He continues to walk down the street holding his daughter’s hand as she pulls a red wagon full of Girl Scout cookies. “Daddy, why is Mr. Alvarez so fat?” Emma asks again. 

Nate isn’t sure how to answer the question. He knows the reason, well, at least one of the reasons, but he’d never confess such sins to his daughter. He goes with the safer option: An answer that fat shames Diego, the morbidly obese neighbor that Nate looks after. “Well, you see, there are a lot of people with weight problems. Some people get fat because of bad experiences they’ve had or they may struggle to get exercises after accidents or because of their age. Mr. Alvarez is different though. He’s fat because he eats a lot of junk food and because he is lazy. He doesn’t walk very well anymore, so he can’t exercise.”

“If Mr. Alvarez likes eating a bunch of junk food, I bet he’d love for us to sell him cookies,” suggests Emma with a smile. 

“You might be right, but he’s also diabetic,” responds Nate.

“Diabetic?” questions Emma.

Nate isn’t sure he’s explaining the consequences of morbid obesity to an 8 year old in the most effective way possible. “It means his body doesn’t work like it does for you or I. That’s part of the reason why I go over there and help take care of him. His body doesn’t produce enough insulin to help him process sugar. He also struggles to walk because he’s so fat. Cookies are bad for him.”

“Oh,” Emma says with sadness in her innocent eyes.

“How about this. I’ll take your wagon of cookies and see if he will buy any from you. You go home and enjoy the rest of the day. I’ll sell the rest of the cookies for you, sweet heart,” Nate attempts to cheer up his daughter. 

“Okay! Thank you, daddy!” She perks up and runs off, leaving the wagon full of the remaining unsold cookies with her father.

Nate pulls the wagon with several boxes of unsold cookies up to the next door neighbor’s house. One might expect the outside features of the house to be dingy with dirt and overtaken with weeds. This scenario is not true because Nate took care of his neighbor’s yard work in the same way he took good care of his neighbor. A chuckle escapes him as he looks down at the welcome mat. No one except Nate, Katie, and Emma ever entered Diego Alvarez’s home anymore. Bending over to a rock beside the mat, Nate takes a key out of the stone’s secret compartment. Diego kept the spare there for emergencies, but also specifically for Nate.

Nate lets himself in with normalcy; It’s no longer weird that he does this. He tugs the wagon across the carpet and down the hall, radiating excitement from his smile. Despite having a whole house, Nate knows Diego is parked in the bedroom per usual. Nate thinks he hears an episode of The Biggest Loser In the background, but he’s much too thrilled to see the enormously fat man trapped in his bedroom.

"Hi love, I am here now! How are you enjoying the new 850 pound capacity recliner I got you?” Nate asks as he walks through the door pulling the wagon. 

The open door reveals Diego, a mountain of a young man, naked in his recliner. The enormous fat boy spends most of his time in the recliner, sweating and breathing heavily as he becomes too fat to do anything for himself.

Diego’s cheeks are round and soft leading down to multiple chins. His caramel skin stretches over his pockets of fat: sagging moons with thick nipples, puffy bingo wings under his arms, and a belly filling his entire lap. 

Diego is inevitably reaching a size that will keep him permanently trapped in his bed. Soon he will be an island of fat and completely rely on the help of his neighbor. He’s almost there already with Nate checking up on him, ordering him endless take out, and occasionally bathing him. The only thing Diego can do by himself is eventually get the strength to move from the bed to the armchair in the one room that is his entire life. Even that takes him a good fifteen minutes now. It’s a good thing Diego’s house doesn’t have a second floor. Both men figure that the floor wouldn’t hold him.

“It’s a little bit of a tight squeeze for my hips,” Diego breathes heavily. “It’s sturdy though, which is all I could wish for after the last one broke from underneath me.”

“Someone once told me that if an obese person had a heart attack in a chair like that, it would be impossible to get them on a hard surface making CPR useless,” Nate grins.

Diego gets an anxious feeling in the pit of his stomach. Rather than deal with the panic, he eyes the wagon. “What are those?”

“Em is selling girl scout cookies. I know how much you love these things. I’m not sure why, but I thought you might want to buy the rest of this wagon full. Unless you’re still worried about your diet.”

Diego’s eyes get wide and he salivates like a dog. “You know I can’t, babe. I’m diabetic. Remember? But out of curiosity, what kind do you have?” he pants.  

Nate lists the collection to Diego. His hands fumble, opening the first box in anticipation. He takes a single cookie and places it under Diego’s nose. Nate waves the cookie around, wafting the artificial aroma into his nostrils.

“You should have seen Emma’s face. She looked so disappointed her beloved neighbor, Mr. Alvarez, might not want any cookies. Emma will be so upset I couldn’t sell the remaining boxes,” guilts Nate watching his diabolical plan unfold: Using his daughter as a guilt trip into having a fun time with Diego and also winning dad of the year from Emma and Katie.

Diego blinks and hesitates to respond. He knows the potential consequences, but he can never say no to Nate. “W-well… if it really helps Emma and that helps you, I guess I could buy the rest from you. Would… would you help me eat them and when I need insulin give it to me?” Diego asks hopefully with his eyes on the cookie. Nate knee help doesn’t mean eat any of the cookies. What Diego really wants is to be hand fed per usual, all according to plan. 

Nate tried to climb the mount of belly and straddle the enormously obese man. Instead, he sits on top of the man’s lower belly. Nate shoves the cookie in Diego’s mouth. “That’s my obese, greedy boy. Have another,” Nate says gently. Then, Nate pushes another cookie into Diego’s wanting mouth. It’s like Diego swallowed the cookie whole.

Diego opens his mouth wide again for Nate to shove three cookies stacked on top of one another somewhat forcefully into Diego. The cookies are delicious to Diego, despite knowing how bad they are for him. He chews the cookies quickly, knowing that if he’s good for daddy he will get more. A second handful of cookies slide into his mouth with more force, but Diego handles it like a champ. The first box is gone in a matter of minutes. 

“One down. I’ve got plenty more for you. Daddy makes you feel good, right?”

“Ahhh, fuck, daddy,” pants Diego, feeling Nate’s cock rise against his belly.

“Tsk. Tsk. Daddy is spoiling you rotten and ruining your insides with sugar. I can’t talk all the credit though. You’re just so cute addicted to sweets. You know we both love it when you constantly have a full tummy.”

Someone with self control would have only eaten a serving of cookies: two tiny, delicate, fattening cookies clocking at 80 calories per cookie. Nate does the math in his head. 20 cookies per box at 80 calories per cookie is 1600 calories. Nate figures he has 7 boxes left and he will not leave until Diego devours them all like the greedy hog he has become. 

“My daughter sells these things each year. I can’t fathom how many boxes we actually sell between the neighborhood, my job, and the stands at the grocery shop. I think they are disgusting. Yet, you eat a ton of this shit despite it killing you,” says Nate littering the first box on the floor and opening the second box. If they aren’t careful, Diego is going to find himself stuck in the recliner around a landfill of trash. 

Nate discards the box and easily slips another 3 entire boxes worth into Diego without any effort or complaints over the next half hour. Nate kisses Diego passionately between boxes of cookies. 

Nate reaches down to the wagon with his left hand and pulls up a purple box. Diego finally starts to protest. “I’m...full..” Diego exhales.

Nate grins while shaking his head. “No you’re not. I don’t feel enough tightness in your belly. Besides, we still have two boxes left.”

“Please...no more,” begs Diego between breaths. 

“You can do it. You will do it. Do you want to disappoint Emma? Do you want to disappoint your big, strong daddy?” asks Nate, his grin becoming more devious. 

Nate holds a stack of cookies in his hands. He brings a few up to Diego’s mouth. Diego whimpers and resists by keeping his mouth shut. Nate places the cookies into a pile on Diego’s chest. Then, he squeezes his lover’s nipples causing Diego to open his mouth to moan. Nate takes advantage of this weakness and quickly picks up some from the pile like a claw game and shoves whatever he can into Diego’s mouth. 

Diego realizes he doesn’t have a choice. He wants to go slow, but Nate acts like a well oiled machine, repeatedly trying to shove a new cookie in after the next. Diego doesn’t even notice Nate opened up the final box. The amount of sugar in his body makes him feel weak, tired, and gross. He keeps eating until he’s close to throwing up, which fortunately is the last cookie.

“All done. What a good, sexy boy,” Nate praises. “I’m so proud of you,” he says while he is about to throw the last empty package on the ground.

Diego shouts “wait!” He feels terrible, but also knows how he can get a rise out of his lover. Nate stops in his tracks and gives Diego the container. Diego inspects the giant pile of crumbs left in the packaging before licking the container, trying to get every grain of remaining cookie. “My crumb dumpster,” Nate coos with admiration. 

Diego can only breathe heavily as he tries to recuperate. Nate continues to tease his whale of mistress. “Your sack of lard you call a belly is the center of gravity. No wonder you’re housebound. You’re going to be completely immobile soon. You pretend like you don’t want it, but deep down I know you do. Otherwise, you wouldn’t let me do this to you. This is great practice for actual immobility. It’s a glimpse of what our lives will actually be like when I’ll have to be over a lot more.”

Diego grunts like a pig. Nate notices and has another dark idea, watching Diego struggle to breathe. “You deserve a little reward. How about some milk to wash down the cookies?”

Diego shakes his head no in defeat. Nate gets off of him and walks out of the room. Having a little less pressure on his tummy makes Diego feel slightly better. Nate returns with a quart of cream in his left hand and an object in his right that looks like a funnel. 

“No milk, but I did find some heavy cream. 50 calories per tablespoon.”

The color drains from Diego’s face when he realizes Nate is serious about the heavy cream. His eyes bug out of his head as he begs more “no...no...please...no...”

Nate walks over to his fat boy and manages to climb Diego’s lard again for easier access. For a brief moment, he considers the mercy he could show on his fat boy. He imagines how much insulin Diego will need after all of this is said and done. 

Diego squirms, unable to get up. He thinks about the reality. If he could move and resist this, would it be worth it? Would he be able to get up quick enough to avoid Nate? No, his knees would be too weak to handle that much weight so quickly. He’d end up on the floor and that means the only way of ever getting back up would be calling 911. Again. Besides, he loves Nate. He would do whatever Nate wants despite the consequences. That’s how he got so big in the first place. Diego submits in pain to Nate’s desire.

“Th-there’s one thing you have to... have to h-help me with if I... let you f-do this,” chokes out Diego. 

“What is that, fat boy?” Nate asks with intrigue. 

“I...want to get off,” he swallows, desperate to make a deal with a very different tone than he had when he begged just seconds ago for no more food or drink. 

Nate’s actions speak louder than words. In a matter of seconds his shirt, pants, and boxers are on the floor, revealing a gym body. Nate hops on Diego’s belly like before with the funnel and the heavy cream. “I’m going to fuck your belly while you drink all this, pig,” Nate growls. 

First, Nate opens the heavy cream. Next, he tilts Diego’s head back into the recliner and shoves the end of the funnel into his mouth. He immediately pours the heavy cream into the funnel causing Diego to wince when he feels the flow into his mouth and down his throat. He doesn’t like the funnel as much as Nate does. Diego blocks the tube with his tongue to slow down cream. Slow and steady wins the race, especially after Diego has eaten himself sick off so many sugary cookies. 

Still, Diego’s cock aches from the lack of attention. Somewhere deep down in the rolls pre-cum is dribbling out of the slit. He breathes heavily, trembling, needing release. Diego moans as if he’s a Virgin with the first thrust. Being so made him so sensitive to physical touch and it shows every time Nate has his way with his body.  Nate slides in and out of a fat roll. Each time the thrust becomes a little faster and a little harder.

The action makes Diego drink a little faster and try to thrust his own hips and fat pad into his under belly. The pressure of Nate being on top as well as the monumental amount of weight he’s gained over the past few years causes just enough friction for pleasure. 

“You’re getting closer and closer to being anchored to the bed for good. Those cute diabetic feet are always numb. I’m surprised you got from your bed to the recliner today. One day you’re going to wake up trapped. Time is running out,” Nate teases. 

Sweat pours down Diego’s red face. His dark hair becomes damp as well. The physical signs of exhaustion are so hot to Nate. He knows Diego’s heart is struggling as this is the most exercise his lover gets. 

Heavy cream sloshes around deep inside Diego’s stomach as they both fuck his lard. It makes an audible thud, but the noise melts into the others: Nate’s short grunts, Diego’s muffled moans and gulps, and the creaking of the chair threatening to throw them onto the floor. 

“One day they are going to see what you’ve become. You know, when your body finally gives out so a crew of EMTs have to take you out through the garage as a freak show,” Nate verbally abuses him. 

That’s when the both lose control. Diego loses control over the flow of the heavy cream. The flow from the funnel speeds up and gushes like a bursting dam. Diego nearly chokes as he climaxes and feels Nate’s warm cum shower his belly. The 15 seconds of orgasm comes with a blur. Diego grunts with pleasure struggling to take in oxygen with each heave and push from his buried lungs. He tries to catch his breath and finally manages to do so as Nate gets off him. 

“You’ve really outdone yourself. So much for being a diabetic. 8 entire boxes of cookies followed by a quart of heavy cream,” says Nate, carefully injecting the morbidly obese man’s insulin for him. 

"You know cookies are my weakness. That’s why you brought them over you bastard," Diego smirks. "You seemed to enjoy me gobbling them down."

“You’re right. I cum so hard for you. I can’t get enough of your body. Diego, do you remember when you first moved to our neighborhood? You were so young and a svelte 392 pounds. When you came to our first block party, I knew I had to have you. You were somewhat respectable. Now you’re that recluse that everyone wonders how bad it’s gotten. They know you’re huge, but they don’t know that we’ve pushed millions of calories past your throat. If they could see you they’d not believe you’ve swollen up to almost half a ton. You no longer look human with your belly burying your knee caps and triple chins choking the life out of you,” Nate teases now wiping the cum he left on Diego and the mess Diego made under his fat folds.

The rush of stuffing Diego and risking a diabetic coma comes to an end. Each time they cum and push Diego to his limits they feel weird about the situation. Moreover, Diego always feels embarrassed how Nate uses his body. Nate uses Diego for pleasure by putting his life at risk. Diego is ashamed of his actions, but he also knows Nate will allow him to give into his pleasures like food and sex as a reward for his gluttony. Diego also acknowledges that he’s full, satisfied by the one man who could love him for being so disgustingly obese. That’s what makes the next part hard on him every single time. 

“I had a lot of fun, big guy. I should be going now though. Katie will wonder why I’m late for dinner,” Nate tries to excuse himself.

“Please don’t leave,” Diego begs before letting out a burp. 

“I’m sorry, but you know the drill.”

“Nate, I need you. I need you more than they do. You’ve made me into this. I love you,” he painfully breathes out. 

“I know you do fat boy, but Daddy Nate has to go back to his family.”

“Why? Just... please...divorce her already,” Diego pleads again.

“It’s not that simple and you know that,” Nate retaliates. 

“I know, but I’m the one who loves you, Nathaniel.” Nate hates it when Diego uses his first name like that. It is a baiting technique Diego tries to use to get his way. “You’ve said it yourself. Katie doesn’t love you anymore. She cheats on you and doesn’t indulge in your fantasies. I’m the one who makes you feel right.” Diego pauses for a moment. Then, he continues, grabbing his distended belly and tries to lift it and shake it at his lover.  “I’m the one you come back to every time. I let you do whatever you want to me. I’m the only one who can give you what you want. I’m the one who gained all this weight for you.”

“Even if that’s all true, I can’t just leave my wife and daughter. Do you expect me to out myself as bisexual to my family, Diego? Don’t make this complicated. I love you. You know that much is true. Every roll, every pound,” Nate says nuzzling his bearded cheek against Diego’s bearded cheek. He moves his head back into position and kisses Diego on the lips.

“Where’s your checkbook?” Nate’s breath whispers onto Diego’s lips as he breaks the kiss.

“I’m pretty sure this is borderline bribery, if not sex work when a payment is involved.”

“Well, I mean. If you don’t want to sign the check for these cookies I could just stop coming over. I’m not sure who would take care of you when you needed something. Besides, do you want to disappoint Emma?”

“You know I’m too helpless and love you too much. The checkbook is on the dresser where you left it,” Diego sighs defeat.

Nate brings the checkbook to Diego. Diego writes a generous check with a tip and signs the paper. “I’ll have the pizza place deliver a stack of pizzas for you tonight for dinner. Tomorrow morning I’ll be back to give you a sponge bath. I’ll bring a new shipment of cookies, babe. It was a pleasure doing business with you.” 

Diego wants to plead with Nate, just one last ditch effort to get Nate to stay. Then he remembers the phrase Nate used earlier: “It’s a glimpse of what our lives will actually be like when I’ll have to be over a lot more.” There’s no way Nate will leave his wife, big he can get so obese Nate will be forced to be over more. Diego decides it's time to get serious. He’s afraid, but he will do it for love. He needs to eat himself into complete immobility because he craves Nate’s touch almost as much as food. “D-Daddy... double my order of cookies tomorrow.”

“Sure thing, fat boy,” Nate grins while putting on his jeans and buckling his belt again before walking out the front door as satisfied as ever. He delightfully ponders on the fact that Diego will be immobile soon thanks to his assistance. Diego is a crumb dumpster.



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