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Bad Habits

Chapter 8.5: Cam Hog

          Oliver feels nervous. He is the one who said he wanted this, not Dylan. Dylan is just his accomplice. He’s not even sure why he wants to do this anymore now that they are both naked and about to do a cam show for the first time. Dylan connects his phone to the website so he can bring up the comments Oliver gets. Then, he angles the camera for Oliver and presses play on the device. “Are you ready, babe?” he asks Oliver with a grin and moving a sheet cake to a folding table placed beside the bed. “Remember, the safe word is Beefy Burrito.” Oliver gives him a nervous smile back, confirming that he is more ready than he will ever be for his first show. The camera attached to the computer makes a ping noise while a petite button on the camera glows red. Oliver gulps. 

     “W-welcome to my cam show. I’m ObedientBlobBoi and you might have seen my profile appear on some gainer websites recently. This show is being recorded and then will be posted on several porn websites. I’m not sure if this is classified as porn or not, but I felt like some of you would like to see my big belly. I think I’m close to around 600 pounds now, but I’m not sure. If I’m being honest, I’m a little nervous. I’ve never done this before, but I’m willing to try whatever you want,”  introduces Oliver, sitting on the edge of their bed. Dylan comes into the shot, standing beside his lover. Oliver continues: “This is my partner, and we are going to start off having some feederism fun for you. Let us know below what you want to see.”

     Dylan creeps up closer to the blob. The size difference is incredible, the muscle boy beside the sack of lard. Dylan dominantly shoves Oliver onto his flabby back rolls like a turtle. Oliver’s expansive paunch pushes out towards his sides, taking up nearly the entire full size bed. The fall causes his entire frame to wobble like jello. The mattress is close to being retired for a king size one, or perhaps a bariatric bed if Dylan gets his way. The monstrous young man wheezes while his hefty belly moves up and down toward the air. Just below his belly his fupa is shown. The fleshy area could be another fat roll with its girth. Dylan shifts Oliver’s thick, discolored thighs apart to show the damage of them rubbing together. Between the thighs and bottom of the fat pad, his member is revealed. Dylan grips the nub and says “Can you believe that you used to have a big cock and now it is buried? Folks, his tiny cock is drowning in a sea of lard.” 

      After teasing his blubber boy for a few strokes, he checks his phone. 32 people are now in the stream to watch the magnificent butterball. Dylan hovers over Oliver and extends his arms. Oliver reaches his arms out to meet Dylan’s hands. A huff and a puff later, Dylan uses all of his strength to pull Oliver forward off his back. Oliver’s breathing becomes shallow with minimal exertion on his body. Dylan sits on the bed beside his heaving lover before whispering something in Oliver’s ear. Oliver lifts himself off the bed with gravity working against him. Dylan spreads his legs open and Oliver benevolently sits onto Dylan’s lap. He struggles to keep himself up, but his ass is huge and overflows Dylan’s lap by inches. Dylan grunts heavily in pleasure and slight pain from having someone at least three times his size on him. 

      His muscular arms try to reach around the very wide boy, but his arms fail to reach all the way around. He only makes it to Oliver’s fat sides spilling onto the bed. Dylan squeezes the sides of his lover’s belly remembering when he did this with Oliver in his thinner days. He gets excited thinking about Oliver then compared to him now with his belly sagging on the bed.  He moves his hands up to Oliver’s massive tits and pushes them together for the audience. Dylan’s finger lingers on one of Oliver’s large nipples. He latches onto it and squeezes it, eliciting a moan from Oliver.

      “Want daddy to feed you, Lardo?” asks Dylan. 

      Dylan doesn’t need a response from Oliver. He removes his hands from all of the blubber and reaches for the cake on the table. He scoops up an enormous handful without cutting it up or rationing it out. He wraps his arms around Oliver again, white icing crumbling onto Oliver’s belly.  “T-thats a lot of cake,” Oliver mumbles.

     “You’ve got a lot of cake. Big boy has to eat, especially when a fat boy is as hungry as you get,” he replies knowing that Oliver is weak and under his influence. “Now, eat the cake for daddy, kiddo,” he seduces Oliver and inserts a fist full of cake into his mouth. Oliver has no choice but to inhale the fluffy chocolate substance covered in buttercream. Dylan picks up another handful as icing oozes from his hands. He goes back for more several times like an excavator lifting massive amounts of material.Every first full of cake greedily makes its way to Oliver’s mouth. After every scoop he sucks the remnants off his boyfriend daddy-figure’s fingers. Oliver licking Dylan’s fingers clean gets both of them excited. Dylan reached for his phone with his left hand and looks at the connection on his phone. 52 more people joined the live stream to watch Oliver eat and be naughty with them.  

     Dylan cleans his hand off on Oliver’s belly causing the icing and crumbs to assemble onto his fat. “You’re crushing me now,” groans Dylan. “It looks like you have a fan who wants you to put on a show. Tubbyboyg says ‘Oink, piggy. Squeal for me. Get down on all fours and dig your face into that cake like the hog you are.’ I agree. Get on your hands and knees.”Oliver leverages himself up from Dylan’s lap with a heavy puff before bending down. He knows he can’t just fall down with his weight and tilts sideways to gently ease his way to the ground. After making it onto his hands and knees, gravity pushes his folds downward causing his belly to grave against the floor. Dylan puts the cake on the floor and shove’s Oliver’s face down in it. 

     Oliver takes his first bite with lust. Cake gets on his face and nose as he buries his face into the cake. He lets out a moan similar to when Dylan edges him while he packs his gut full. Several bites later Oliver starts to slow down. With each bite he oinks for the camera as Dylan reads off more and more comments from his fans. His face burns red with embarrassment as his heart rate increases, but something about it makes his tiny buried dick hard. “Tubbyboyg wants you to oink louder, pig. Oink like you mean it, you fat slut. He wants you to let everyone know you’re giving in to your desire. Squeal like a prized hog, so much your neighbors will hear you and think that an actual hog got loose.” Oliver lets out a few more oinks for his fans.

Dylan thump’s Oliver’s ass with his finger. “Faster, you don’t want to disappoint your fans, do you? They pay good money so you can eat like this” Dylan taunts him. Oliver tries to pick up the pace snorting and making a squealing noise from his lips between bites of cake. He’s  getting fuller than he ever had before, almost afraid of his stretch marks bursting open. “You’re doing great pig. The faster you eat, the less you have to concentrate on how full you feel,” Dylan coaches him. Oliver puts Dylan’s advice into the back of his mind, pushing himself beyond his capacity. He rubs Oliver’s bloated gut, almost regretting filling him up so much before the show. Dylan messages up and down the creases and folds, doing everything he can do to make sure Oliver puts on the best performance he can. 

     “Don’t choke. Don’t fucking choke,” Oliver tells himself keeping his face down in the soft cake taking bite after bite as his stomach gurgles.

     In ten minutes the enormous cake is gone. Oliver looks as cute as ever with smeared icing on his frame. Crumbs and icing stain his entire body: a trail from his chin, through his canyon breasts, right on down to his fupa. He sighs heavily, thrilled that it is over. The overwhelming amount of icing makes him feel gross. “Hey, piggy, your biggest fan here says that he will double the total amount of donations if you do something specific for him,” Dylan says mischievously, eyeing the request on the screen. 

     “What is it?” Oliver asks while digesting the cake he devoured. 

     Dylan holds the screen up to Oliver causing him to gulp. “I-I can’t…” groans Oliver nervously. “I’m so full.” That part is true, but for double profit, would it be worth doing what the request asks? It seems a little too dark, too hedonistic. Would he ever be able to come back from it?

     “Are you sure you don’t want to give it a try? I think it could be really fun and sexy for us to do something more...taboo,” Dylan charmingly puts pressure on Oliver. 

     Oliver sighs: “How much would double the current donations rate be?”

     “We are looking at $1200 for this one show alone if you do this,” Dylan winks.

     “Fine, go get what I need,” he demands with a slight whimper in his voice. Dylan leaves the room urgently for a few moments. This is so fucked up they are both going to let this happen. He returns with a sly grin and a fresh, yellow box in his palm. Dylan puts the phone down on the bed and opens the yellow box to reveal four yellow blocks wrapped in paper with excitement.

     “ObedientBlobBoi will do whatever you want. I want to make you feel good,” Oliver says, trying to sound confident in what he is about to do. “I’m your butterball, and I’m going to prove to you that I am as obedient as I say I am,” he continues. He selects one of the papered sticks from Dylan’s hand. “That is why...I’m going to eat sticks of butter for you and say all the dark things you want,” Oliver says while unwrapping the stick slowly. 

      This is not something Oliver would normally do. He never thought he would eat whole sticks of butter in just a few minutes for complete strangers to jerk off over on the internet, yet some part of him is sick enough to actually want to do this. He discards the wrapper onto the floor, grabbing the butter with his right hand. The butter makes his palm slippery. He counts down in his head. 3...2...1.. Oliver takes a massive, brave bite. A look of disgust spreads across his face. He chews it slowly trying not to gag. He swallows the chewed up block before taking another bite. A brief moment of panic enters his brain. 

     For a second he considers spitting it up and using the ridiculous safe word. “Bee-,” he stops himself because he doesn’t want to disappoint his fans or his lover. He can’t let them down. A new determination washes over him as his chewing becomes faster; He zones out like he does when his anxiety becomes too much, but this time it is different. His trance appears to be more confident than nervous, yet it maintains the quality of being involuntary. A few more bites and one stick is down.

     Oliver looks back at the screen, captivated by the words of the viewers in the stream. They are just as twisted and as captivated as Dylan. The request of him to get darker feels more natural. What could it hurt? It was all just words to get people off. “Feed me, daddy. Make a mess of my body.” Dylan unwraps a second stick of butter and puts it up to Oliver’s lips. This one goes in a lot smoother, like it was meant to be with Oliver’s addiction. Dylan feeds Oliver several bites until it is gone. “Feed it to me faster. More forcefully. Clog my arteries with lard. Feed me until my heart pops,” Oliver follows the prompt from the viewer. 

     Dylan follows the greedy glutton boy’s command, taking the entire stick and putting it up to his mouth. He doesn’t wait for Oliver to open his mouth. Instead, Dylan pushes the butter into Dylan’s lips, making them greasy. Forcefully, the block enter’s Oliver’s mouth and he chews more laboriously, breathing out his nose. The butter disappears quickly. “The more you give me, the closer I am to destroying my body for you,” Oliver wheezes. “You want to see this fit man of mine feed me so much I’ll have to be taken out of our home with a crane. I’m going to fucking do it. Get used to these cam shows because you’re going to see me become the fattest fucking porn star. Make me eat myself to death!”

     Dylan looks at Oliver, stunned and also turned on with the words Oliver sprinkles in between his messy eating. “What the fuck,” he says to himself trying not to grease up his cock with the melting butter in his hands. Dylan looks back at the comment section. More people join the stream along with more requests from Tubbyboyg. This time it is Dylan’s turn to respond. He tears off the wrapper of the last stick of butter, flawlessly acting out the script sent by the eager patron. Dylan messily rubs the butter up and down Oliver’s bloated, stretch mark ridden belly. He slathers it on thick, especially around his bulging breasts and nipples. “What a messy pig,” he taunts. “You’re so sick that you actually ate butter. The only thing that is missing is an apple in your mouth. You’re all buttered up like a prize winning hog, about to be slaughtered. That’s a bunch of lard that I could just eat up,” he says, shivering and licking his lover’s nipple. “Open wide.” 

     Oliver’s mouth opens for the last stick of butter being shoved down his gullet. He moans, savoring every inch left until he’s downed the whole thing. Oliver looks down at his body with frosting, crumbs, and now buttery residue smeared into his expanding body. He doesn’t remember much of what he said during the stream. However, he feels embarrassed he lost control in whatever anxious bliss that just happened in front of almost 100 people. Then, he remembers the money he earned and the eyes Dylan gave him during the show. Something feels so right about being so naughty for others, especially when so many people around him don’t appreciate his size. He doesn’t know it yet, but this is the show that makes him an internet gaining celebrity. He’s horny and full while watching Dylan’s member leak. A grin spreads across Oliver’s face. For his next show, he decides that he is going to make Dylan dress up as a doctor, but for now, he just wants relief. “Didn’t you hear how fat I want to get for you? Fuck my fat ass for all of these fans.”



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