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Below are quotes from the Chapter 8 of Bad Habits along with commentary.

Quote: “Oliver pulls the enormous golden knob of the restaurant’s door to enter the fancy Italian restaurant. He looks around and notices that most people there are incredibly thin and in business attire. The floors are lined with thousand dollar rugs, the walls have crown molding, and several crystal chandeliers hang from the ceiling. He feels out of place. The door opens behind him while he takes the extravagance in, the same wealthy aesthetic he used to know from his parents.”

Note: I had a specific restaurant in mind for this chapter. The decor and menu here is based on The Old Spaghetti Factory. It is my favorite Italian restaurant EVER, despite it being a chain. I eat it every time I am in Downtown Louisville. Did I forget to mention it has a bad ass train car you can dine in sitting in the middle of the restaurant!?

Take a look at the website: https://www.osf.com/

Quote: “Do I look like I can fit in a booth?” huffs Oliver. She looks at him before apologizing. Oliver zones out like usual. He follows Dylan and the Hostess to an empty table with two chairs. One has an arm rest, while the other doesn’t to accommodate Oliver’s girth. They sit down as the Hostess hands them menus and then leaves.

Note: I thought about this the other day in a Longhorn. My housemate and I are getting kind of fat. I'm 307lbs now and he is 350+ and pear shaped like Oliver. It is always a tight squeeze when we go out to eat together. I basically wrote this in my phone notes for this story when I thought about how skinny people never have to think about whether they will fit comfortably in a booth.

Quote: Oliver rolls his eyes at the awful pun  and grins. “I love you, dork. Just please don’t let me buy several expensive meals. I get one and then maybe something cheap at Lard Have Mercy on the way home.”

Note: I took this from an actual date I had on Valentines Day in 2014 with a guy. He took me to a fancy ass Bistro. I remember not being thrilled with the menu and it was hella expensive. I also remember getting Chicken Piccata. I asked him if he could get me McDonalds on the way home. He wasn't too happy paying $60 for this meal, only for me to enjoy the McDonalds more.

QuoteL “Oh, uhm, we have a cherry, orange, or vanilla Italian cream sodas. It comes in an extra large souvenir glass,” Kazin rattles off.

Note: They actually do this as OSF. I have one my aunt got me for my birthday two years ago. I also had a soda from there last Sunday when I went with my mom to shop for Christmas.

Quote: Dylan turns around quickly. He recognizes the figure with some shock. “Dan? My goodness Dan! I haven’t seen you in years. I didn’t know you were in town!” exclaims Dylan. Oliver becomes even more suspicious. In the course of their relationship Dylan never mentioned anyone named Dan. Oliver can’t remember anyone like Dan from their high school. 

Note: I wanted to throw something more exciting and awkward in this chapter. I a have an idea of where I think I want the story to go. I wanted to create some relationship tension. Dan will be returning at some point, the question is how I will use him. I really want Oliver to feel hurt, insecure, and find a way to fuel a fire. I think Dan can be the perfect way to do this. Can I just say that I love to fuck up relationships. I thrive on relationships and I think I have put some interesting dynamics into this story as a whole between daddy/son play, family issues, friend concerns, etc. I wanted him bigger than Oliver because it would bother him knowing Dylan would be attracted to someone bigger than him.

Quote: Dylan looks up at the enormous wall clock hanging from one of the buildings. “9 pm, right on time,” says Dylan. Oliver looks at him with confusion as they both hear a strange noise hit the pavement. Oliver looks to the left to see the noise is uneven clip-clops of two horse pulling a white carriage to the restaurant’s entrance.

Note: I think this is something cool about this city. There are all kinds of things that happen Downtown in Louisville. There are group peddling sessions where a group of you and your friends drink beer and peddle an enormous street car. There are also carriage rides, and I thought maybe this would be cute to include. I noticed this before I moved here. In 2008, I had a school field trip for Beta Club. I was jealous this actually happened and I've always wanted to ride in one of these. It has yet to happen, but maybe one day before I gain too much weight to fit.

Quote: “You know, before you came back to town, I was sneaking off to clubs with other queer kids looking for sugar daddies. I really only wanted you. If only you had been feeding me in high school I could be 1000lbs by now,” Oliver teases while swallowing the creamy substance. 

Note: Hot, right? I'm also including things like this to work with a story being written by TubbyboyG. It is my understanding that Oliver will have some more backstory and an important role in this story. 


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