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An okay set-up first episode LOL. They were trying to do the funny Korean drama thing with the introduction of the characters and the office lol. The music was loud af and made me think I was in Italy the whole episode LMAO. But I'll see how it progresses in the next episode because it could eat. Could. LOL




I don't know if it's just me or what's going on with Gmmtv and their terrible video game background music and sound effects, but I think it gets worse and worse to the point that I can't enjoy even enjoy the series anymore like here and even more with My love mix-up.


Wow the music is really loud. It is louder than the characters talking. If I did not use subtitles the I am not sure I could actually hear the dialogue properly. Especially during offs monolgue when he was giving gun directions. Since they are talking about production stuff I already don't understand, they need to at least make sure I can hear the dialogue!! Gmmtv get it together. Also, I hear them use that cat sound again I forsure thought kent would notice lol. Probably couldn't hear it over the music. Meanwhile the music director probably thought he ate.

Kent Clark

A story about post production and editing, and they can’t get the post production and editing right 😂. The music quality is CLEAR though, in case we haven’t heard 😂