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NO BUT LIKE I GOT MAD BEEF WITH SIWAJ FRFR. HE NEED TO STOP THESE CLIFFHANGERS!!!!! He lucky he fed me well today. It was a whole lotta nothing but a whole lotta everything at the same time 😂. And I ate it all up.




The way Peem keeps doing goofy stuff. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 But, really, the ling looks that Pond and Phuwin give each other during their scenes... they are so magnetic that it is unsurprising to me that they are a very popular partnership. Even with chicken-peck kisses and walking into gates, they still give is all heart fluttering looks. I cannot with those two.


Not you asking if Peem has a personality disorder, I literally asked myself if he had selective amnesia during this scene because it’s not making any sense 😭