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Sorry for the delay on reactions y'all! I was busy this past weekend moving and getting settled at a new temporary place! But I am back now and ready to catch up! Thanks for the patience and understanding everyone.

Now real talk. This show need a name change. We need to start calling it "What Are We" instead of "We Are".

They lucky I love all these couples a lot, because they keep going back and forth with this nonsense LOL. Like Phum and Peem are about to kiss for the 4th time next week and still don't know if they have feelings for each other lmfao. Like they spooned at the camp LOL!! This episode was an entire Camp Rock 2 because Demi and Joe tried.



Sunny Days

Hope the move is going smoothly, Kent. 💛 Thanks to you & Dee for the reaction. You guys are hilarious. This episode was wayyyyy too short. Direct Siwaj back in his element. 😆 Let the unnecessary draggggg begin. But honestly, I’m eating it all up. I just love them all in this series. I’m still giggling and screaming at all the cute scenes. You know if it’s Star In My Mind I would’ve given up already (and did 😂), but because it’s this cast…yessss, I’m staying. 😆 P.S. why are the high schoolers the ones getting it right? MSP and now Only Boo.

Sarah K

I think Peem isn’t sure what to do. He knows he likes Phum and is attracted to him, but he isn’t sure if he wants to be in a relationship yet.